If two potatoes are nuked like one with the potato setting {sensor}

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Head Chef
Sep 11, 2021
if i cook two potatoes in quarters in the microwave on the setting of the potato with the sensor..
will it cook it thoroughly like one potato?

i like to nuke it on a regular setting afterwards because it gets a good texture which isn't achieved by the potato setting alone.

if you can please answer another question that i've which i will write later..
sure. i will do that soon

so i meant to ask about making potatoes in the microwave.. when i make one potato [cut into to quarters] on the 'potato program' i get a good result.

my question is if it will be a good result with two potatoes [that are cut to quarters]? double the quantity

i also wanted to say that after the cooking in the microwave like that i like to cook it on regular program for some extra few minutes. by doing that it gets an interesting texture..

and if you know to explain.. my next question is how the sensor or the microwave is working? i'm curious to know..

i asked that in hebrew on another platform but people didn't answer.
a lot of things are happening to me so the first message came out unclear.
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You wrote that you use the potato program with sensor. I would guess that with the sensor, it would figure out to cook it the right amount for two potatoes. I have sensor reheat on my microwave and that works better for some things than others. But, you wrote that it works well for one potato. I have never used the potato setting on my microwave.
sure. i will do that soon

so i meant to ask about making potatoes in the microwave.. when i make one potato [cut into to quarters] on the 'potato program' i get a good result.

my question is if it will be a good result with two potatoes [that are cut to quarters]? double the quantity

i also wanted to say that after the cooking in the microwave like that i like to cook it on regular program for some extra few minutes. by doing that it gets an interesting texture..

and if you know to explain.. my next question is how the sensor or the microwave is working? i'm curious to know..

i asked that in hebrew on another platform but people didn't answer.
a lot of things are happening to me so the first message came out unclear.
I was just joking around and basically saying sometimes you have to cook things twice. I admit it wasn't that funny. I also have no solutions for you, I barely know any by name let alone an intimate relationship. :brows:
I try not to make it complicated. I don't use a sensor or anything. I wash 8 potatoes and put them strategically across the ceramic bottom to the microwave, set it for 22 minutes on high. At about 10-14 minutes I turn them over with a dish towel, they're hot. Then at about 5 minutes I check them, give them a little squeeze top and bottom and if they give, they are done. Usually the smaller ones are done, the bigger ones I leave in until soft on top and bottom. Sweet potatoes, the same except they go on a plate because they weep and make a mess. I refrigerate them, so that some of the starch becomes resistant starch, good for digestion. I reheat them as we need them, sometimes diced, sometimes whole, sometimes crisped up in the oven or air fryer.
today ive made three medium potatoes on the potato program but i needed to make it twice as the potatoes werent ready after the first time..

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