Where do you start? Cooking is so confusing....
I look at some recipes online and there's a whole bunch of ingredients I never heard of. Can I really find everything at Lucky or Safeway?
Imma be so screwed when I move out alone and don't know how to cook good food....SCREWED!!!!!! I can make eggs and instant noodles. (And I hear cooking gets the ladies
Seriously...this whole thing is so unnatural...where do you begin to learn to start cooking?
heh. Starting from scratch (rimshot) can be a bit daunting.
I'm not a "good cook" by any stretch of the imagination, but I like what I make, and so have the others who have eaten it.
My basic approach: start with "mixture" types of things. Curries, casseroles, and so on. With things like that, you can usually put in more or less what you like, and the result will be good. Such dishes also make it easy to experiment. And with girls, you can wisely say things like "hmm... I should have put ginger in that", and look like a genius (who cares if you don't know what ginger is).
Outside of mixture items, get good at a couple of things, and common variants of them. Cook up some steaks in a frying pan. Then broil them. Then grill them. Etc.
Pick a vegetable you like. Fry/saute it. Steam it. wrap it in foil and broil/grill it. Put some garlic in it. Rule #1 of cooking: garlic and butter are pretty much always winners. They're sorta like bacon, in that way.
Look at different recipes for the same thing, and see how they're the same, and how they're different. Then either make one of them, or mishmash the two together. I've got a mishmash recipe of ribs in the slowcooker right now. (pissin me off because they smell so good). I've never made ribs before, and this is the 2nd time I've used a slowcooker. I'm just playing with the food, basically.
From what I understand about breads/baking, I would save that for last, since it seems like it's the least forgiving when you screw up ingredients or timing.
But have fun.
Also for girls, it's fun to cook together. And that way, you can sponge knowledge off of her. Unless it's the blind leading the blind, in which case you can laugh later about how much you two suck at cooking. And then you can go take a cooking class together.
Have fun.
And use butter and garlic. (if you *both* have been eating garlic, then kissing is no big deal