How do like your eggs?

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I also like a good runny egg sandwhich. But like a bank job, no matter how well prepared and thought out it is, things can get messy pretty fast.

You mean like this :rolleyes:


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Any which way for me. Runny or solid yolk, I like them both equally as well. Scrambled, poached, hard cooked, egg salad, SSU sitting on top of a steak, whatever.
I love eggs.

My favorite way to eat them is easy over fried in butter, with buttered toast to mop up the yolk.

Then, in no particular order:
egg salad
deviled eggs
hard cooked eggs which is a staple for me for road food, crack off the shell, sprinkle with s&p and I am good to go
eggs ala goldenrod, which my mother would fix on the extremely rare occasions my dad was not home for dinner. My dad was allergic to eggs so we rarely had them when I was growing up.

I am on the last of 10 dozen eggs I bought locally last october. And last week I picked up 6 dozen local eggs from another neighbor.:mrgreen:

Oh mama, that sandwich looks heavenly!!!
My favorite is fried in butter until the white is totally set, but the yolk has to be very runny.

As I have said here before, my aunt likes hers the total opposite. Whenever she ordered fried eggs at a restaurant she told them to, "Cook it until it is hard as a rock, then cook it again." :sick:

I also like scrambled, if they are light and fluffy. I love mushroom and Swiss omelets, deviled eggs, and poached (again, with runny yolks).

Growing up, I hated eggs. Now I love them. :cool:
This thread made me so hungry for eggs, I just made us a killer Frittata for lunch.

Sauted mushrooms, onions, bacon, eggs mixed with Greek yogurt, and topped with cheddar, mozzarella, parm and leftover roasted asparagus.
Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh.
Runny whites gross me out! :sick: :yuk:

I am with you there.

Scrambled-beaten with milk or cream till fluffy
Dunk Eggs- Sunny side up- cooked in a small amount of bacon grease, once the whites set add tablespoon water and cover till the whites are done, but the yolk is still runny.
Eggs in a bowl- a few eggs soft boiled to different degrees of done. Most of the yolks runny. Broken up buttered toast mixed in.
Egg sandwich-fried with yolk broken and cooked, but not crispy.
Deviled Eggs-smooth filling, no added food chunks.
Hard Boiled- eat out of hand, sliced for sandwich.
Egg Salad-no added chunks of food.
Omlettes- Cheese, Mexican, Vegetable
Eggs and Potatoes- brown cooked cubed potatoes, season with salt and pepper, pour scrambled eggs over top, cook until set.:chef:
I love all things egg.

I'm not a huge fan of runny, gooey yolks unless my egg is sitting on top of something (polenta, rice, white beans w/ spinach, etc.). Scrambled is my favorite. Fried over-med on (untoasted) trashy white bread with a lick of mayo is my hangover cure of choice.

I love to sub salmon for the Canadian bacon in a Benedict with perfectly poached eggs. I make a fritatta or quiche almost every week. I love plain egg salad (i.e. eggs + barely enough mayo to bind it + dash of salt; I may add a tiny amount of shallots or chives if available). I love deviled eggs. I love eggs in my potato salad. I loved poached eggs over lemon & parmesan asparagus or zucchini . I think an egg over shoe leather would probably be tasty as well. :mrgreen:
So Chocolate over eggs:LOL: After you've tasted these. I cut this in half unless the little ones are here then I use 9 eggs melt 3-4 Tab. butter on a large skillet Break eggs into melted butter in skillet. Season with salt and fresh ground pepper Cook over med heat about 1 min Place on slice of swiss cheese over each egg. Cover and cook 5-6 min or til eggs are firm and cheese melted put 2 eggs on your serving plate Serve right away. We do this when we are tired and don't feel like meat. Serve with a small bowl of cold fruit. and Wheat toast yummers
Fried: in butter, bacon grease, duck fat... over easy. Please do not break my yolk and I do like those runny.

Soft or hard boiled (depending on what's going on). Poached, scrambled, omelettes... I can eat em lots of different ways. :)
Thanks Pac. It was outa sight.

I just remembered a casserole I would do when the kids were little with all the Easter eggs. It was an "Eggs Florentine" type of thing in a 9x13 pan. Cooked dry spinach on the bottom, sliced hard boiled Easter eggs, sprinkled with diced ham from Easter dinner, and topped with a rich cheese sauce for the top. The kids just loved it and so did we.

The kids called it "Green Eggs and Ham". ;)
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