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Senior Cook
Aug 22, 2023
The Netherlands

I am a cooking fanatic who's been working professionally a long time ago (16 years ago already due to chronic illness) but who's never lost their passion for food.

I am 36, live in the Netherlands and currently am working at creating a website about historic cooking, which is another major interest of mine. Dutch food history is far more interesting than a lot of people know!

I look forward to talking with you all :)
Welcome to DC Xocolatl.

We've learned a bit about some of the Dutch traits from another compatriot to the Netherlands.
We (well, I) love to hear all the different reasons behind some of the history.
So excited to read your posts, I know you've got a lot of fascinating information to share!
Welcome to DC Xocolatl.

We've learned a bit about some of the Dutch traits from another compatriot to the Netherlands.
We (well, I) love to hear all the different reasons behind some of the history.
Wonderful, I will start a thread on it soon.
Welcome to Discuss Cooking Xocolatl. I am curious about your name. Do you have an Aztec connection or do you just like chocolate? Or is there a story with the name?
I just love chocolate and chillies and am interested in food history, so I know the Aztecs were the first to make chocolate drinks which were spicy and I chose the name because of those reasons.
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