Happy Birthday Cooking Goddess

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Have a fabulous day.

51 times if you count the first one, Katie! I have no choice - I'm not allowed to age. My Mom told me that I had to stop counting at 21 because she refused to admit anything beyond 32! LOL! I have proof, too:

I so enjoyed watching Jack Benny! My great aunt loved him. My aunt (who never married, lived with my folks and me, and spoiled me rotten when she wasn't driving me crazy) took Nana and me to see Jack Benny when he performed at a suburban Cleveland entertainment venue called Musicarnival. A huge tent with a capacity around 2,000, we saw Benny in the summer of '66 when I was a rising sophomore. The opening act? A young singer by the name of Wayne Newton. He worked the crowd by walking the aisles of the theatre, stopping to sing to the ladies along the way. He stopped at our row, leaned in to sing to Nana - she swooned like a teenager. So sweet.
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