Greek Saffron Spiked Iced Coffee

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Margi Cintrano

Washing Up
Jan 29, 2012
Both in Italy and Spain
;) Buon Giorno,

This aromatic iced coffee is a true treat ...

:yum: 2 tsps sugar of choice or sweetener
4 tsps unsweetened Cocoa Powder
20 Greek or Mediterranean Saffron Threads
4 navel or triple skin orange slices
4 lemon slices
4 cinammon sticks
800 Ml. hot filtered Coffee

1. place in each of 4 tall glasses, one tsp. of sugar or sweetener and cocoa powder

2. add 5 saffron threads, 1 clove, 1 orange slice, 1 lemon slice and 1 cinammon stick in each tall glass

3. top with hot filter coffee, stir and serve with Ice or Hot if one wishes an Hot Version Spiked Saffron Coffee ...

*** Enjoy with a light sponge or biscotti ...

Have a nice Monday, Ciao.
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