Garden 2024

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Yes, TL, you can use the leaves from the kohlrabi - not something usually done, though maybe in areas where kohlrabi is grown the most. If looking for something to use it in, a similar item is the cauliflower greens, used in a lot of Indian dishes. And the komatsuna is a similar, mild flavor. Mustard greens are much stronger.
I figured one could eat the leaves. I was wondering if you, personally eat the leaves.
Definitely I eat those, in many types of dishes, and if nothing else, a couple can be thrown in smoothies. I like them in many dishes calling for kale, more than I like the kale!

And that Merlot Napa isn't nearly as strong tasting as those purple mustard greens - something I only grew once. This just tastes like any other type of napa, and doesn't attract flea beetles, like green ones are notorious for, in my garden.
Just mixed in some perlite to the garlic beds to ' fluff them up' and help the drainage. 2 weeks ago I pre-fertilized and added a layer of compost thats been cooking all summer ( with a lot of worms too). Ill likely get the garlic in this weekend or next.

Okra, string beans, pole beans, eggplants , most peppers and almost all the tomatoes ( except some grape tomatoes and the July 4th tomatoes ) are done. One huge squash vine is finally getting some mildew on its leaves. has about 6, 2 1/2 two 3 ft squash on it, most fully ripe.

Fall planted stuff ( Dill, parsley, lettuce, kale, arugula, snap peas and snow peas and an Asian green) all doing well.

The squirrels allowed me to get t about 20 - 30 chestnuts from the tree.

I threatened my persimmon tree ( which never produced 1 ripe fruit ever since I got it, that if I didnt get any fruit this year, I was going to chop it down. Sure enough, there are 1 persimmons starting to change color, so I guess it listened to me. In years past, it would produce a dozen or so fruit which would all drop before getting ripe. Apparently, thats kinda normal for persimmons, they can be temperamental.

Mushrooms haven't produced much in awhile, except the mistake, due to such dry weather. I cant remember the last time it rained here.

Almost done setting up my indoor stuff for the winter. Got some parsley, rosemary and sage cuttings going in the aquaqponics . My three tiered led lighted plant rack is waiting to be used . And of course, the mushroom tent is just about ready to go.

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