Banana Icecream?

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
Has anyone ever made banana ice cream?

I have a lot of very ripe bananas and a BBQ coming up. One of the people at the BBQ is on a reduced fat diet and it has occurred to me that a banana, pineapple ice cream might be a good way to end the bash but I've never done this before. Can you make decent banana icecream using low fat milk?

Would frozen bananas mimic the mouth 'feel' of cream?
I just recently saw (I forget where) someone making ice cream out of just frozen bananas like in your links merstar. They said no one would ever know it was not actual ice cream.
Years ago, i was at a street fair, and someone was selling a machine that was specifically for that. Insert frozen banana, 2 minutes later, out comes banana " ice cream"

I never bought the machine, but looked around online and was able to do it in my food processor.

need 3 or 4 ripe bananas.
Peel, cut in chunks and freeze
add frozen bananas to food processor along with some lemon juice ( maybe tsp or two)

Process until smooth and creamy.

Surprisingly has the texture of ice cream and healthy too.

I found it to be good, but not as addicting as the real thing ( got sick of it after one serving)

Im sure it would be great with chocolate syrup on it though :)
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