Layered cookie recipe??

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Senior Cook
Jun 23, 2020
I tried a "slutty" brownie recipe once. It was very rich and maybe too chocolatey. I was wondering how I might create a cookie-like item with candy bars melted inside it? I was thinking of making each piece different. Maybe Reeses, almond joy, snickers, kitkat, etc. Good idea? Any ideas for a good top and bottom?
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I am personally interested in seeing an Almond Job cookie. (y)

Using chocolate chip cookies to make ice cream sandwiches is pretty tasty.

Makes me think about using a rolled cookie dough to make candy bar Ravioli! The shape could tell you the filling. For the rectangular candy bars, cut one, like maybe the snickers, into squares first then diagonally like a sandwich.

With Halloween approaching, bite-size candy bars are available too!

Let us know what you do, please.

Good luck and have fun!
Well I figure chocolate chip dough on bottom. Same for top, or is there a better option? I am worried the top might crack and the candy bars might come through.
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