Sunday dinner, August 18, 2024

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Mexican shrimp cocktail/sort of gazpacho with saffron.

Was at my son's (other son) for supper. We had pizza, been absolutely ages since I had pizza and must admit it was positively delicious!

Aside: hadn't seen my grandsons in over a year, and they've grown again! The 12 year old seems to have grown a lot, but rather normal. The 14 year old was over 6 ft last year and now has grown another 2". When I hug him I have to be careful not to get my chin stuck in his belly button.
I had a bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich on whole wheat toast. I also had some dolmades out of the can I opened yesterday.

Now I'm curious. Those canned dolmades are really good, Pilaros brand. Is that a brand that is found outside of Canada?
2024-08-18 BLT and dolmades.jpg
Now I'm curious. Those canned dolmades are really good, Pilaros brand. Is that a brand that is found outside of Canada?View attachment 70381
I love those Dolmades. There are about 3 brands available and I never remember which I get that is better than others. But I also think it is the luck of the draw as they can be different from one can to the next. Even the same brand. But I'm only disappointed every other orange moon and munch away on them anyhow.
I have made them once and say I'm going to again so it's on my bucket list, #'ed in the low 200's I think.
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