Dream Melons...

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I need to go to HEB today or tomorrow. I'll buy one, if they look good. Melons are hard to buy with any certainty. I have yet to buy a really good cantaloupe this summer.

I was in HEB today, and someone in the Produce department was giving out samples of Dream Melon. There are apparently multiple versions. The sample I had tasted like a cross between a cantaloupe and a watermelon.

I had never heard of it, but it was good. Has anyone else eaten Dream Melon?

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I've never seen or tried anything like it. But it sounds like a dream!
Pics and comments please? :geek:

I haven't sliced into it yet. I will tonight, and give an update. I need to make some room in the fridge, because I'm thinking it will be better cold. I just need to shift some things around so I can chill it.


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