Time stored vs taste?

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Senior Cook
Nov 6, 2023

Has anyone noticed that the first day when fudge sets its one taste and it tends to taste better and better as every day goes by. Is it me or is this phenomenon normal?

What’s the best time after your fudge sets to get its official taste?
i don't know if the taste changes over time stored.
i do know that our ability to taste can be affected by something we've tasted just prior to it. if i eat something sweet, like candy, then a cookie, the cookie won't be that sweet. if i eat the cookie when i haven't eaten anything in a while, it will taste much sweeter.
hunger will also affect if we like or dislike it.
i don't know if the taste changes over time stored.
i do know that our ability to taste can be affected by something we've tasted just prior to it. if i eat something sweet, like candy, then a cookie, the cookie won't be that sweet. if i eat the cookie when i haven't eaten anything in a while, it will taste much sweeter.
hunger will also affect if we like or dislike it.
This is so true. So washing out the mouth before we taste is important ! Good point 👍

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