Which meat thermometer similar to this style do you recommend?

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I have a couple of instant read thermometers and a couple that have corded probe that you leave in the food while cooking it. But, I don't have anything designed for grilling and smoking. I don't have any with two probes. But, if I were getting another thermometer, I would get it from this website. I have been very happy with the above thermometers, all of which I got from them and the quality is good. I have had thermometers from other companies, but those all died. I do have an old, non-electronic, candy and deep fry thermometer that isn't broken, but I don't use it anymore.

i can't find anything with a cord there (in the link)
they just show pictures, but no actual product with a cord..
i can't find anything with a cord there (in the link)
they just show pictures, but no actual product with a cord..
Scroll down the page until you see pictures of products with cords.You have to click the pictures of the product you want to know more about. If you don't see any, then reload the page. They don't show the same things every time the page is loaded.

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