Windows 11

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I work for a software company, and the tech guys are telling us to do whatever we want. They said the changes are mostly cosmetic; functionality hasn't changed. Since I am running my company software on my computer, if Tech Support doesn't care, then there aren't many pros or cons.
So, Windows 11 – it's like a breath of fresh air, right? The sleeker design and enhanced gaming features are definite pros. Plus, it's always exciting to embrace new tech.
So, Windows 11 – it's like a breath of fresh air, right? The sleeker design and enhanced gaming features are definite pros. Plus, it's always exciting to embrace new tech.
But let's get real; it's not all rainbows and unicorns. Compatibility can be a bit tricky. Some older hardware might not play nice with Windows 11, and that can be a deal-breaker. It's essential to check your system's compatibility before taking the plunge. For some tips, I stumbled upon the window 10 key subreddit. They've got some handy insights and tips that can apply to Windows 11, too. Don't let the name fool you; it's not just about keys.
I stayed with DOS until 2000 . . . just so it's clear about me . . .

then XP, did Vista and Win7, skipped Win8
got a new laptop which came with Win10
on-line upgraded Win10 to Win11.

every version of Windows - to me - is superficially "the same" - MS simply rearranges the deck chairs on the MS Titanic to ensure old users have a fit learning the "new & improved" version . . .

the 'utilities' built into the OS continue to expand, some are useful, some are useless.

Win10 to Win11 is the same - everything you know about is still there, just in a different place . . .
I do find the Win11 is more stable regards to WiFi connections. Win10 would very annoyingly drop the WiFi time to time. sometimes it would reconnect "live" when user prompted, other times I would have to reboot to re-connect.
I've been using it almost since it was released. I have no issues with it. It's been absolutely fine.
Haven't had many problems. Program compatibility was an issue.
every version of Windows - to me - is superficially "the same" - MS simply rearranges the deck chairs on the MS Titanic to ensure old users have a fit learning the "new & improved" version . . .
Ain't that the truth!

I hate it. I have learned so many different ways to work with computers and mobile phones, that I just don't have a lot of space left in memory for more stuff for no good reason.
Funny story. Windows 11 reports the actual cluster size of NVMe drives, not like Window 10 did with a maximum reported size. This causes issue installing SQL server on the drive as SQL will not install above a 4k cluster. I got to explain to MS that this was unacceptable and they stopped deployment of Windows 11 to certain types of systems to put out fixes for SQL server so we could install SQL server. They really can be reasonable at times.
No issues here. Upgraded a few months ago. I don't like where the start button is, or the power button.

Other than that it runs fine on my Asus laptop.

Oh, the one thing I do despise, is how when using files, it doesn't have the most common tabs listed and I need to hit "Show more options".

That is stupid. Renaming is the most common thing you can do, especially when moving files around, and it is behind another menu page.
Perhaps I've said this before, now that my son is not readily available for fixes when I need, I pay the geek squad (or equivalent) and I phone them. They say do this, do that.... I say nope - you do this, do that and leave an icon on my desktop for next time.
LOL, they are not making too much money off me.
Windows 11 has been around for a couple of years now, and it's brought some notable changes to the Windows operating system. The new design is sleek and modern, with a focus on productivity and ease of use. Features like Snap Layouts and Snap Groups make multitasking a breeze, and the updated Microsoft Store offers a more curated selection of apps.
If you're thinking about upgrading to Windows 11, it's a good idea to back up your files first, just in case. You can find more information about Windows 11 Pro 32/64 Bit at Overall, Windows 11 offers a fresh take on the Windows experience, but it's always a good idea to weigh the pros and cons before making the switch.
No issues here. Upgraded a few months ago. I don't like where the start button is, or the power button.

Other than that it runs fine on my Asus laptop.

Oh, the one thing I do despise, is how when using files, it doesn't have the most common tabs listed and I need to hit "Show more options".

That is stupid. Renaming is the most common thing you can do, especially when moving files around, and it is behind another menu page.

one reason Windows is so 'bloated' . . . all the 'old stuff' is still there.
this will cause W11 to use the old right-click menu:

note: these commands are all one line - the forum software is doing a word wrap.
copy to notepad and make it all one line - but the spaces before /f and /ve are required.
ps: reduce font so the full command is on one line....

open CMD as admin
type or paste
reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /f /ve
press Enter
you'll get a "Success" response

to restore W11 style:
reg.exe delete "HKCU\Software\Classes\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}" /f
I've been using Windows 11 for a bit now. One of the things I appreciate is the new interface—it feels more modern and streamlined. However, I've encountered some compatibility issues with older software, which can be a bit frustrating. Performance-wise, it's pretty solid, but I did notice that some features like the new Start menu take a little getting used to.

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