2018 New Year's Eve & New Year's day Menu

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009

This is our menu for both New Year's eve & New Year's day. I make small batches of many dishes. This way I don't have to worry about cooking for at least 2 days. What will you be having?

Roast Turkey Breast
Onion dip
Blue cheese dip
Bean Salad
Macaroni Salad
Potato Salad
Olive salad
Cheesecake with Cherry topping
Ambrosia Salad
Rolls & Bread
French Baguette

Sparkling Cranberry Apple cider

That looks great, mofet.

You and my wife are the last 2 people who still make Ambrosia salad, I think.

My family jokes about it, then gobbles it up.

No menu for me for NYE or NYD. I'm working a double shift on the eve into the next day, then back in that night.

Should be fun at work, though, being at a small party at work with a bunch of people terrified to even just look at each other for fear of being brought up on sexual harassment charges.
That looks great, mofet.

You and my wife are the last 2 people who still make Ambrosia salad, I think.

My family jokes about it, then gobbles it up.

No menu for me for NYE or NYD. I'm working a double shift on the eve into the next day, then back in that night.

Should be fun at work, though, being at a small party at work with a bunch of people terrified to even just look at each other for fear of being brought up on sexual harassment charges.

Thank you BT.

Why are people worrying about sexual harassment charges?
Les Moonves. Charlie Rose. Jeff Fager (60 Minutes).

'nuff said. People are being fired left and right.
Should be fun at work, though, being at a small party at work with a bunch of people terrified to even just look at each other for fear of being brought up on sexual harassment charges.

Perhaps you and your male co-workers need to learn the difference between looking -- and gawking/staring while drooling.

Hint: "I love that costume" is not that same thing as "I love how that costume accentuates your breasts." You are married... this should not be a problem. :rolleyes:

As for me, I'm planning to be at my best freind's house in Port Arthur. His college age son has informed us that he's having friends over. I will probably be cooking with my best friend's wife, while doing my best to make sure that no young woman wants to hook up with their son. He'll thank me for it later in life... :ROFLMAO:

It's not just men. A few women have been fired or "moved".

I have no worries. My parents raised us right, same as most.

Wait, are you trying to give me wimmen advice? :ermm:
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I have no worries. My parents raised us right, same as most .

Wait, are you giving me wimmen advice? :ermm:

Just women in the workplace advice. It is not minefield, as some people think it is. It is actually very easy. Treat employees and co-workers with respect. Get to know your coworkers to the point that you know who enjoys a risqué joke and who doesn't. And, only exchange those kinds of interactions with women who are on your level or higher on the org chart. That's my rule.

Being self employed, I walk on eggs until I get to know someone well enough to let my guard down a bit. I pretty much always let them take the lead on what is fair game in conversation, and what is not. Not just risqué topics, but politics or anything else controversial.

Any conversation should be mutually desired conversation -- I don't let my customers take me down roads I don't want to travel, any more than I try to take them where they don't want to go.

BT, you and I trash talk with each other, and I enjoy it. There is not a whole lot you could say that would offend me, as long as I can see the humor in it. But, not everyone enjoys that kind of thing.


Yes, I know you can handle it. That makes it fun.
And you can be funny.


But as far as work goes, there is no "getting to know" who can or who can't. There is zero tolerance, which I can understand.

I work with people from every spectrum of life, from stick in the mud old timers, to non-binary folks.

The best and only thing to do is keep things about work, and nothing else. I've been doing that for 31 years here. No problem.

You guys wouldn't recognize me at work.
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In Japan, Christmas is completely commercial. There is no religious message attached to it. NYE is religious. People go home to their families if they can, and everyone dresses up in their best traditional Japanese clothing (if they don’t have kimonos, they dress in Western business attire), and visit a shrine to beg the gods for a healthy, happy, and most importantly, prosperous new year.

For many years, I would host a NYE party in my tiny little rabbit hutch apartment for my students, colleagues, and friends who, for whatever reason, couldn’t spend it with their family. One year, I fit nearly 30 people into that tiny space! Vodka shots make a great lubricant!

I’d start planning the menu around the beginning of December. All appetizer type foods that didn’t require forks, spoons, or knives. We always had a boatload of Waribash , disposable chopsticks on hand, though. Prep started on the 28th, and I usually had 5 to 10 students participating. It was a party in itself! And when the main event was over, those who chose to stay until morning would bundle up and make the trek to Kyoto to small temple devoted to performers and patrons of the arts to offer our own prayers for the new year.

I really miss those days. This year, it’s just Mark and me, and our puppies. I’ll make a pot of Hoppin’ John, something with cheese to snack on, and some Jell-O shots. Maybe some oven-fried chicken and stir fried ramen noodles. We may or may not take the short drive to a vantage point where we can view the fireworks on the Strip.

And that’s about it.
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In Japan, Christmas is completely commercial. There is no religious message attached to it. NYE is religious.

Agree, especially the obsession with fried chicken over Xmas. Smart marketing, KFC.

I always enjoyed New Years in Japan, especially the osechi ryori and being part of the street corner mochi pounding ceremony during my childhood. Good times.
We never did the shrine thing though....although we lived right around the corner from a temple.
I need to pick up the last of the perishable ingredients for the menu tomorrow. I will probably roast the turkey breast and make the stuffing on Sunday. That way the turkey will be cold and easy to slice.
The cheese cake will also be made on Sunday so it it can chill overnight.
The salads and dips will be made Sunday or early Monday.

I have been fighting a cold, painful joints and it seems a bit overwhelmed. But I will give myself a break today and tomorrow by taking it easy if possible.

I want to make chicken soup later if I have everything I need.
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I hope you feel better soon, mofet.

Since I have to work on NYE, we're having a little pre-New Year's party tonight. About 5 or 6 friends are coming over, so we're spending the day cleaning the house as if we don't really live here (per DW).

But for tonight, we're having a cheese and crackers platter, a crudite with spinach dip, shrimp cocktail, then a salad to start.

Then a baked ham, baked ziti, coleslaw, haricots vert, and mashed spuds.

The guests are bringing drinks and desserts, but we have mini cupcakes and a Seven Sisters for late coffee before everyone drives home in dense fog and rain.

Happy New Year a little early, everyone.
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NYE will be a normal night for us (in bed by 11..:wacko:) so, nothing special planned for dinner..

New Years Day will be a day of grazing through plates of meats and cheeses, chips and dips and probably, sweet/BBQ meatballs..
Of course there will be puddings and cake..

NYE we'll probably have a Filet Mignon dinner and be in bed with Ross and Jeannie by 11 pm....Haaaa...not even the same house.

I need to get to the store for some fresh greens and frozen black eye peas with a ham hock for NYD. Gotta have that in memory of my sweet southern Mama.

We'll watch the Rose Parade in the morning with a breakfast casserole of some kind.
I'm thinking about having a snacky kind of New Year's Eve while we watch movies and pop in now and then on New Year's Rockin' Eve. I have a bottle of prosecco in case we make it to midnight. If we don't, it will be for a bellini in the morning.

New Year's Day I'm thinking of making a German apple pancake with sausage for breakfast. Some neighbors are having a potluck open house starting at noon. I'm going to make deviled eggs topped with pickled mustard seeds for that. They're having hoppin' John and collards, so I don't have to make them [emoji38] We might have sandwiches or something else easy that night.
NYE we'll probably have a Filet Mignon dinner and be in bed with Ross and Jeannie by 11 pm....Haaaa...not even the same house.

I need to get to the store for some fresh greens and frozen black eye peas with a ham hock for NYD. Gotta have that in memory of my sweet southern Mama.

We'll watch the Rose Parade in the morning with a breakfast casserole of some kind.

Glad you cleared THAT up... :ROFLMAO::LOL::angel:
Back to menu, it will just be me, and possibly a few neighbors -- I'm not driving ANYWHERE.

So far, I don't have a menu plan. I did see a big end-cap full of Little Smokies and Crescent Rolls dough at the store, and felt like I need some of that. :chef::LOL:


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