What's the last movie you watched?

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just bought batman the darknight on dvd .. never saw it but it was awesome !

Recently saw Dark Knight and enjoyed it. Today I found out it is considered one of the ten top movies. Also liked Ironman Looking forward to movie Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood
My hubby and I just watched The Godfather - a tradition for us at this time of year. What a fabulous movie. Will watch number 2 tonight, but don't care for the Part 11.


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I watched "The Incredible Hulk" (2008 version), "The Dark Knight", and "The Women". Loved the Dark Knight and really like the Hulk. The Women was a cute chick flick.
10000BC last night. ummm... cinematography was stupendous, but not much more... very much a rehash of Apocalypse, without so much gore which was good but along with that most of the substance was also taken away.
And I had to wonder if the producers really didn't study any history at all or intentionally made everything all so mixed up and absurd??
an oldie... Roman Holiday

I love that movie. It reminds me of another favorite Three Coins in a Fountain.

On Friday, my parents and I went to see The Tale of Despereaux. We all liked it, but for those who might think that it is a children's movie think again. The plot is way to involved for the younger set.


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