There aren't too many little cinemas in this country. If there is a large multiplex in a nearby city, they pretty much cause the little ones to close. The little fishing village I lived in when I was in Texas, only showed movies on Saturday. And they were definitely not the latest. Saturday afternoon they showed cartoons for the kids. If you wanted any more entertainment than that, you had to go to a barroom that had a band for dancing or head on to Corpus Christi. About 20 miles away. Oh yeah, the barrooms and most places of business on the main street, still had a hitching post outside for the horses. So did the school along with a bike rack.
The reason for the hitching posts? It is illegal in this country as it is world wide, to drive when drunk. So a lot of the folks who lived on ranches or farms would come in on a horse. Then if they got drunk (which most of them did) there was no law about riding a horse on the way home if you were drunk. But the entertainment at the end on the night was to watch the idiots trying to get on their horse.