Wavy Lay's Cuban Sandwich Review...

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

Well This is supposed to be a new limited time flavor from the company.

I say wavy was a good choice here.

The pickle flavor here is muted a bit here just like all the other flavors in the chip.

Not bad but I felt like it needed more of a punch of flavor.

A medium sized thumbs up from me on this chip.

Well This is supposed to be a new limited time flavor from the company.

I say wavy was a good choice here.

The pickle flavor here is muted a bit here just like all the other flavors in the chip.

Not bad but I felt like it needed more of a punch of flavor.

A medium sized thumbs up from me on this chip.
I grew up in Havana. What we call a hamburger here was called a "frito" there. They were available from street vendors all over the place. One of the necessary ingredients of the frito was shoestring potatoes for the salt and crunch. So fried potatoes are normal in some Cuban sandwiches. The sandwich pictured on the package looks like it was made with ciabatta bread, something I use almost exclusively for sandwiches. I'll give the chips a try.
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