Pullman Loaf Pans - can't make up my mind

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Again, because I think I said this once before, I've decided to get a Pullman Loaf Pan. The 1 lb and 2 lb pans are the common sizes, with various dimensions.
Using a recipe from a bread machine is easy as they are listed as 1.5 lb and 2 lb.
But - how do I know how big (weight) recipes I have that are not specified. I don't want to accidently put a 2 lb loaf recipe into a 1.5 loaf pan, wouldn't that end a mess?
Do I weigh the dough before rising, after rising or just go "by guess and by golly"?
A standard one pound loaf is what you'd use a 9x5 loaf pan to bake. It's the size a loaf of super market bread used to be before all the super sizing started. So I'd look for a 9x5x4 pullman pan, about 180 cu. in.
I don't know what the 2 lb one will be like, but I wouldn't think about the 1 lb one - the only things I ever bake in 1 lb sized pans are sweet breads...maybe.

The old standard sized pullman loaf is the smaller one I have - 12½" x 4" x 4", which might be the 2 lb. I got those in very late 70s, or early 80s, and they are tinned steel! It was the standard for the recipes in old books, for pullman or pain de mie loaves using 6½ c flour. The 16" pan I have is for approximately 8¼ c flour. The 4 x 4 is actually about 3 7/8", measured inside. One of my favorite breads for grilled cheese. I often substituted 1/2 c wheat germ for the flour.
That's my problem with sizing. Back in the 60's & 70's, when I first started making bread, I had 9" for regular 'normal' loaves and 7/8" for 'sweet' breads, such as banana bread, orange bread.
Then I didn't make bread for years but when I started again they were mostly freeform.
I did use 'pan' recipe's but never really thought about their sizes.
Now, with the bread machine, having discovered I really don't like them being baked in them, free form and a regular 8" seems to do it.
Still navigating my way thru King Arthur's site. a little slow as I have discovered I have a rip across the front of my eyeball makimg my sight a little fuzzy.
I don't know what the 2 lb one will be like, but I wouldn't think about the 1 lb one - the only things I ever bake in 1 lb sized pans are sweet breads...maybe.

The old standard sized pullman loaf is the smaller one I have - 12½" x 4" x 4", which might be the 2 lb. I got those in very late 70s, or early 80s, and they are tinned steel! It was the standard for the recipes in old books, for pullman or pain de mie loaves using 6½ c flour. The 16" pan I have is for approximately 8¼ c flour. The 4 x 4 is actually about 3 7/8", measured inside. One of my favorite breads for grilled cheese. I often substituted 1/2 c wheat germ for the flour.
I learned from mom for all baking - For every cup of flour remove one TBSP. flour and replace with one TBSP. wheat germ. I love the nutty flavor.
So I've ordered a 1 lb and a 2 lb pan. Chose 2 day shipping - will see how it goes.

Thanks everyone for all your input. Has really helped me - I'm such a fence sitter. :unhappy: One of the reasons I don't frequent restaurants... too stressful as I can never make up my mind what to order.
Thanks Ginny. Happened Thursday early morning hours. Evidently when one has a tear, as you sleep it starts to heal. Then you wake, open your eye and the lid rips off what was essentially the scab.
You know how painful it is when you get a gnat/no-see-ums in your eye? how it stings?
That's what it feels like but a little worse ... each time it happens. Except at 4 am I knew it wasn't a gnat!
Is being treated with gel drops to keep the lid from ripping it off again. Should be fully healed in 10 days or so... I hope. Still feels sort of bruised.
Doc took a picture to show me what the tear looked like. Whale shaped with a fan tail, half across the cornea and pupil.
Was neat looking if it wasn't so painful. Nor was the 2 hour drive home from my brother's the next day with the sun in my already fuzzy vision.
Oh dear, oh dear! Another friend did something pretty much the same a couple of years back. If I remember, she had to wear a patch? But either way, it healed up just fine...just takes time, as you were told. Follow the doctors' orders and I'll say a prayer too.
Glad to hear that eye problem is supposed to heal so quickly, @dragnlaw. I'm glad I can't relate to that problem you mentioned, getting a no-see-um in the eye, and getting stung by it! I can't imagine what that must feel like.
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