I have been thinking about gardening?

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Sous Chef
Nov 7, 2008
My question is since my soil is very poor and formerly a commercial property, what can I grow in 5 gallon buckets? I have an almost unlimited supply of them and fairly sunny side of the yard I can use. It would have sun from around 10am till 5pm.
5 gallon buckets and that amount of sun should open pretty much everything for you. The only thing you have to be careful of with any type of container garden or raised bed is you have to make sure they are watered, because they tend to dry out a little quicker ( at least with me, anyway). And in the buckets, just make sure there is enough drainage, or you will have the opposite problem. Other than that, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, string beans, zucchini, herbs ( basil, thym, oregano, mint ...), okra, cukes, soy beans ... the list is endless. I wish i had that much sun
I agree with everything Larry mentioned. I have a nice size garden I put in last year, but it's still not as big as I'd like so many plants are in pots. If you can, try to hook up a timed irrigation system. You can buy them fairly cheap. It will help with watering. I haven't hooked mine up yet but I plan to run it through my veggie pots and herb pots that hang off the deck railing. Please ignore the neighbors cloths line. lol

My Sister-In-Law's father grows squash and pumpkin that way. He plants four in a large square pot and just lets them drape all over the patio because he has no space for a garden. They are very tasty!
Jeekinz, what is that tube thingy coming out the top of one of the pots? Looks like an injector of some kind.Everything looks so healthy.
The hostas look great too!
Another thing would be to buy " bush" varieties of cucumbers, beans ... to keep them from spreading all over the place, unless you plan on providing something for those kinds of plants to grow.

I built a raised garden, but i dont have the freedom or room to let things grow, and Im running out of space. So , ive also been tossing a few containers here and there to get a little more room, instead of digging up more of my backyard ( which id like to do , because that means less grass for me to cut :LOL: )

All the wood posts are there for the vine - like plants to grow up on. Looks great in the beginning of the season, but comes about august, its like the little shop of horrors, plants everywhere ( and weeds too)


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I say 'go for it'! Get some manure/soil mix, the tomatoes will do great. Gardening is addicting and the next year you'll want more and something new to try. My beans did so good last year, so did my tomatoes. They taste so much better fresh out of my own garden than store bought.
My oldest said he'd watch my garden last year but I'd have to adhere to the rules he set if he had to pick beans....one in the mouth, one in the bowl.:LOL:

One year our carrots were wonderful, they were SO SWEET, I couldn't believe it.
Hi folks
I do all my gardening in raised bed. I have 22 so far and will have more this year. I use NO dirt. I use 100% compost I get for free at the local horse bording stable.
I build my beds out of 2X6,8,10,and 12's. I mix about 25% sand to keep it plyable in the summer so water will soak in. I grow anything from potatos, whick are a delight to grovel, carrotts, corn, beans, anything you want can be grown in a raised bed.
My weeding is next to none. I will be setting out my spinish, lettus, onions, and cabbage probley next week.
so glad you decided to go fro it. gardening is my all time favorite new past time. i had my first one last year and i am just waiting for the last snow so i can start planting again. if i did it now they would all die or else i would!
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