G'day from Queensland.

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Assistant Cook
Oct 9, 2012
Hello all,
I'm a middle aged male of 73 who discovered a couple of years back that i loved cooking. I'm English but now live on the east coast of Australia in the sunny state of Queensland. I was introduced to DC by a friend.

I look forward to finding some interesting recipes and perhaps adding some of mine for you all to try, and getting to know some of you in the forums.

I'm an ex British navy diver, and play guitar, bass, and ukulele and struggle to play banjo. Hobbies other than music include making model ships in bottles and light bulbs, and SCUBA.

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Hi, Pho, welcome to DC! What a fascinating background!
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Hi, Pho, welcome to DC! What a fascinating background!

Thank you for the welcome Dawgluver. I love dawgs too and have a Maltese named Cooky who is my best mate and my recipe taster/tester. :cool:

He particularly enjoys eating:
raspberry jelly
shepherd's pie
dead lizards from our rock-wall
warm tea, preferably from a cup! no kidding

He hates:
next doors cat -with a vengeance that needs to be seen to be believed.
live chicken, and crows.
lawn mowers and vacuum cleaners.

He loves:
retrieveing thrown soft toys - endlessly!
Tigger the wire-haired mutt next door
Aunt Liz
chocolate - yes i know!


  • Cooky looking smart.jpg
    Cooky looking smart.jpg
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Cooky is adorable!

You'll find a lot of other pet fans here, pets including chickens and snakes. All much beloved!

And what a wonderful place to dive! Bucket list has always included the Great Barrier Reef, though we're just snorkelers.
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Is the dog in your avatar actually a photo of your pooch Dawgluver? To my old eyes he looks to be a Beagle - wonderful dogs!


Phocaena (my unusual user name) is the genus to which porpoises belong. I was fortunate enough to actually see a harbour porpoise born while diving many years ago, in Stokes Bay UK. My username honours that beautiful "lady" for sharing such a magical moment with me and my diving partner.
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Yes, my beagle, looking uncomfortable in her sweater from her gramma, :LOL:

Wow, seeing a baby porpoise being born. Did you get video?
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Yes, my beagle, looking uncomfortable in her sweater from her gramma, :LOL:

Wow, seeing a baby porpoise being born. Did you get video?

No Dawgluver, it would have been nice. We were on a training dive way back in 1956.

She does look a bit uncomfortable doesn't she? Cooky is an Arsenal Soccer Club supporter (like me) and he has a shirt and lead to prove it. :cool:


  • Cooky in Arsenal Shirt small.jpg
    Cooky in Arsenal Shirt small.jpg
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Hi Kyl, still finding my way around.

1. I can find the forum rules for example but when I log in it says I haven't signed them, yet I can't see where to do it.

2. Can't find (yet) where to upload recipes or pics of food I've cooked.

So I'm still fishing around a bit. lol

Nice to see you here too.

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Hello, Pho!

Top Left, directly under "Home" is the "User CP", clicking on that will take you to YOUR Control Panel and your picture albums. I did send you a link from the Help Desk on the Community Rules, in any case there is a link for them at the bottome of every page. If you can get a screen shot of what you are getting i might be able to help, but my brain is not doing well with description tonight...it wants a picture. (Spoiled rotten,
it is)

Be patient, as I am heading to bed so I can get up and go to my real job in the morning. I'll see what I can do, but I'm more of the meet and greet Admin, not the techie Admin.

Anyway, Welcome to DC...Kylie can tell you who does and does not know what Vegemite is...I do know and I love the stuff...even though I am a Yank. have a G'day, nice Arvo and Cheerio!
Thanks for your help Fiona, my problem is not finding the forum rules, your link was perfect thank you, but actually SIGNING them. The program tells me when I log on that I haven't signed them, and I cannot see anywhere on the forum rules page to do it, and what's worse I AM wearing my new specs.

I can still get in to the site obviously so I guess it's no big deal really, and I have read the rules. In fact I've read the pesky things until I know them backwards :)huh:) trying to find where to sign or click or whatever. :ROFLMAO: Having read them, inwardly digested them, agreed with them and tried to obey the computer's message, I am now quite happy to totally ignore the message and put the experience down to the computer having got out of the wrong side of it's bed this morning.:rolleyes:

Thanks again for trying to assist. i appreciate it. Sweet dreams.

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Anyway, Welcome to DC...Kylie can tell you who does and does not know what Vegemite is...I do know and I love the stuff...even though I am a Yank. have a G'day, nice Arvo and Cheerio!

I sure can :)

Fiona loves it Derek, especially some of it spread at the bottom of a tomato tart ;)
Thanks for your help Fiona, my problem is not finding the forum rules, your link was perfect thank you, but actually SIGNING them. The program tells me when I log on that I haven't signed them, and I cannot see anywhere on the forum rules page to do it, and what's worse I AM wearing my new specs.

I can still get in to the site obviously so I guess it's no big deal really, and I have read the rules. In fact I've read the pesky things until I know them backwards :)huh:) trying to find where to sign or click or whatever. :ROFLMAO: Having read them, inwardly digested them, agreed with them and tried to obey the computer's message, I am now quite happy to totally ignore the message and put the experience down to the computer having got out of the wrong side of it's bed this morning.:rolleyes:

Thanks again for trying to assist. i appreciate it. Sweet dreams.


Okie Dokie! Do me a favor, copy and paste this post into a "Contact Us"
so I can hand it through the cage bars to the code monkeys along with a box of chocolates and a Red Bull, see if they can fix the glitch.

Have a fantastic day!
Mission accomplished! Sent via "contact us" as per your request/suggestion/orders.
Hi Pho. My son has a Maltese also. The most ornery thing you ever want to meet. He hates baths and when you take him for one of his three walks during the day, the first thing he does is lay down on the biggest patch of lawn he can find and drag himself across it and get filthy all over again. When he can't get his way, he sulks and gets very petulant. His favorite food is Meow Mix. Cat food. Dumb dog. Doesn't even know he is a dog. Spoiled rotten. He is just loved to death.

My first husband was from England. Born and raised in the Lakes District. Cockermouth. He had more of a Scottish brogue than an English accent. Any time he got mad at any of the children, his brogue got thicker. The kids would start to laugh because they couldn't understand a word he was saying.

I too am 73 and a widow twice. DC is a fun place. Lots of laughs, recipes and opinions of how to make a simple dish like boiling water. All my kids are out on their own, but Son #1 stops by every day to check (with Teddy in tow) on me. I love to bake. I make cranberry pumpkin bread every year to be sold at the church fair in November. They are the first food items to sell out. I wanted to make something different this year, but was informed by the Fair Committee that I could do that only if I made the Pumpkin loafs also.

Beware! This forum is addictive. :angel:
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