Hospitality Queen
Just wondering if we have any vintage-wearers around here. Long story short, the 40s-50s are a new hobby of mine.
jkath said:Just wondering if we have any vintage-wearers around here. Long story short, the 40s-50s are a new hobby of mine.
mudbug said:OK, ronjohn - which one are you?
ronjohn55 said:Well, I'm not the blonde in the car, that's Sheila!!
Mourning jewellery, though sad (if you think about it's meaning) is soooo beautiful. I've always been on the look-out for some, but haven't encountered any yet in my price range. Is your's made from real jet, Sizzlin? (I really like cameos and other Victorian jewellery too.)SizzlininIN said:I have a collection of various pieces of jewelry. The black glass jewelry (mourning jewelry) is one of my favorites. In fact, I finally had to start restraining myself when it came to buying these pieces as I have a vast collection already. However, I love the boho and rhinestone jewelry also.