Check out this nifty pizza oven

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no mayonnaise

Sous Chef
Oct 16, 2011
Uuni Pizza Oven

Uuni - The revolutionary wood-fired pizza oven

Small, inexpensive, wood fired, and gets to 800 degrees F. I think I might end up pre-ordering one. I've been planning on building a wood fired pizza oven in the back yard for a while now but haven't gotten around to it because it seems like a pretty big project and my masonry experience is exactly zero. Considering the cost and time+labor of building a proper pizza oven, this seems like a good deal. My only concern is that it may be a bit too small. I could also use it as a make-shift tandoor. What does DC think?
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I clicked on something that said click here for kickstarter video. That took me to another page that said click here for kickstarter video. Too many mind... I mean clicks.
I'm not sure that I want a wood fired anything "for my kitchen", but it looked like a nifty concept. What you could see of it anyway. I could have my neighbor make me up one at work if I saw more of it.
I caught a blurb about it on a blog that gave more details. I think the whole Kickstarter thing is a way for entrepreneurs to raise money to start projects with investors who pledge money on the internet for a stake in a startup. Looks like the inventor got the investment capital lined up and is going into production with it, hence the lack of a website (for now). Either way, this is where I got my info

Uuni Pizza Oven | Uncrate

And no of course I wouldn't use it in the kitchen, whether it says it's for the kitchen or not. I mean, are there any other similar products in the $250 range that can get to 800 degrees?
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I don't have anything against Kickstarter projects per se. I think one needs to fully investigate what they are up to , or in this case, how far along they actually are in production process before investing or making an advance purchase. Consumer protection options are looser and if it goes belly up it is easy for them to re-iturate what terms they offer. Is it likely they will have these for sale ongoing and why the rush to make an "advance" purchase order.

As far as the pizza oven itself, Hmm. I couldn't find really good pictures of it. It doesn't look all that big. or tall or is the top too close. Is it metal? It's size doesn't look all that big for multi use. May be great inside a grill where you can further boost the temps beyond oven range.

I saw some pizza oven enhancer the other day on DC, don't recall the thread. It was like a pizza stone with sides. I think putting a top on it would boost the oven capacitator a bit more. I wouldn't hesitate to slap some tandori made bread or high fired chicken in one of those.

One of my great discoveries on some vacation was in Taos NM. We were headed to Vancouver from my very driveway. Impossible to get lost. A direct shot across Montana and a little dip into Wyoming. We got side tracked in the Grand Tetons. Well, it was snowing in August and we took a U turn south. This was before Apple Maps. Not that I ever learned how to read or fold a map. So it goes. Anyway, some touristy/ maybe not touristy/ little place made Bread in a clay oven. This is what happens on a "planned" vacation. It is still the best bread I have ever eaten. I still haven't been to Vancouver.

Well, it's true. I would like a back yard pizza / bread oven too. Having attempted to repair the cement on my back steps, it's unlikely my masonry skills are proven as all that great. There are a # of blogs / DIY plans to make a pizza oven. Even when they Say it is an easy project and they all get together with a case of beer and many hands, it's only the good ones, completed projects that get published. And they always seem to have a handy dandy expert brother-in-law/ true friend who directs the show. Me, I'm more of an arm-chair planner.

And in January I can make all the plans I want. As long as I keep my credit card away from my computer.
I use my pellet grill for a wood fired pizza oven.

Pics a lazy night so Papa Murphy's was the entree.


I agree with others in that this is a scam until proven not.:)
It's that "case of beer and many hands" that kill any DIY project. Many hands reaching into that case of beer. :angel:
Hello, Everyone...I just registered, and found your disscussion on Wood Fired cooking, so I had to butt in.
I have an outdoor kitchen at my winter home in Sinaloa Mexico, and added a wood fired pizza oven, that I cook almost everything in; one of the smartest things I have ever done.
I tried to load a photo of the oven, but I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box when it comes to computers. I'll try to send it.


  • AUG 2010 049.jpg
    AUG 2010 049.jpg
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Hello, Everyone...I just registered, and found your disscussion on Wood Fired cooking, so I had to butt in.
I have an outdoor kitchen at my winter home in Sinaloa Mexico, and added a wood fired pizza oven, that I cook almost everything in; one of the smartest things I have ever done.
I tried to load a photo of the oven, but I'm not the sharpest pencil in the box when it comes to computers. I'll try to send it.

Nice! Welcome to DC!
greetings & welcome from manchester uk.loving the kitchen jim,now let's have some pics of what you cook on/in it...look forward to that!!
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