can I grow this?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Bought this last week. Haven't gotten around to cooking and then today I noticed this...

sprouting turnip 20231002.jpg

Can I cut off the top (how much) and plant it? would have to be in a pot indoors.
If you did that, cutting off the top (maybe 1 inch) and planting it you might get a seed stalk in a year that produces seeds.
If you let the green part continue to grow, you can eat those leaves.
If you cut the top off now (and throw out), peel the root (rutabaga), chop it and cook it and eat it.
I'm assuming it is a rutabaga and not a turnip.

The rutabaga makes seed stalks and seed pods that look a lot like kale seed pods.
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oops, yes - it is a rutabaga.
Well, I'm not that adventurous for growing them so I guess it will be dinner in a couple of days.
I quite like both rutabaga's and turnips. Never really knew the difference for years! Usually purchased rutabagas but they were all commonly called turnips. at least by me and my friends. LOL
oops, yes - it is a rutabaga.
Well, I'm not that adventurous for growing them so I guess it will be dinner in a couple of days.
I quite like both rutabaga's and turnips. Never really knew the difference for years! Usually purchased rutabagas but they were all commonly called turnips. at least by me and my friends. LOL
Why not grow the leaves? The Danish word for rutabugger is "kålroe", which means cabbage root.

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