Banana Boats

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Executive Chef
Jun 3, 2004
Banana Boats


chocolate chips
mini marshmellows
Cut your banana down the middle. Like a boat leave the peal on and the banana inside. Stuff with chocolate chips and mini marshmellows. Wrap in aluminum foil set in coals. Eat warm.
These are great! Better than they sound, believe me. You can also use peanut butter or peanut butter chips with the chocolate chips. (the old girl scout recipe)
Me too ICAdvisor, wow, I haven't had banana boats in ages. I will have to do some in tinfoil and put them on the BBQ tonight. Thanks for the reminder Raine.
I like to only cook them enough to melt the chocolate and marshmellows, but not enough to make the bananas mushy. You can also try them with butterscotch chips, raisins, nuts, etc.
I suppose it's a matter of personal taste, and depends on how hot your fire is. Five minutes is usually too long for me. I usually only do them 1-2 minutes, then check one and cook a little longer if needed.
We top our banana boats with crushed canned pineapple, hersheys' syrup, ice cream, and whipped cream for "banana sundaes."

Our kids love these.
Oh boy, do banana boats bring me back! We totally used to make them on girl scout cookouts. We also used to add walnuts for a bit more crunch. Now that I'm craving these, I might just have to buy bananas and make them in the oven... I bet my husband will think I'm crazy (but happily eat his banana boat nonetheless!). Mmmm.

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