Best Packaging for Shipping Perishable Homemade Goods

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Assistant Cook
Jan 22, 2024
I run a small e-commerce business that sells homemade baked goods and I'm having trouble finding packaging that keeps them fresh and safe during delivery. What are the best packaging materials and methods for shipping perishable items, like cakes or cookies, especially in hot weather? I'm also looking for eco-friendly options that will still maintain product quality during shipping. Any recommendations from fellow small business owners?
I run a small e-commerce business that sells homemade baked goods and I'm having trouble finding packaging that keeps them fresh and safe during delivery. What are the best packaging materials and methods for shipping perishable items, like cakes or cookies, especially in hot weather? I'm also looking for eco-friendly options that will still maintain product quality during shipping. Any recommendations from fellow small business owners?
For shipping baked goods in hot weather, I use insulated boxes with ice packs. For eco-friendly options, try compostable mailers and biodegradable packing peanuts.
Since there have been so many answers elsewhere, try hiring someone to hand-carry. Put it in a box....and put the box in a cooler where you insulate around using the appropriate materials. Then the person carries it to the location required. For a price they can unpack the box as well. Pluses are that you can easily use reusable and eco-friendly materials. Plus, you can donate eco-dollars to off-set the cost of gasoline, jet-fuel, or what have you needed to get your baked goods to its location and your courier home.
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