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Was trying to think of what/which pies I like the most. Almost impossible - I love them all. Custards, Fruits, Pumpkin (guess that's a custard?) I just don't make them often, matter of fact, rarely. Sad, eh?
I like Butter Tarts either with or without pecans - all pretty much the same thing. But I agree, tarte au sucre/sugar pie/pecan pies are a bit much. Maybe it's the ratio of crust/pastry to filling?

Down here in the South, Sweet Tea is a big thing. I like it, and drink a lot of it. But, there are some people/diners/cafes that make it way too sweet. I like to say that it is so sweet, that it makes my teeth hurt.

That is what pecan pie does to me.

There is a place here that serves a dessert called The Abbey apple pie a la mode. Named for the restaurant that originated it, The Abbey in Frisco, which was an old church that was converted to a restaurant. All of their food was outstanding.

Basically, it was really good apple pie, on a hot cast iron plate, with a caramel sauce and Blue Bell vanilla ice cream. It comes to the table sizzling, and it is amazing. It was very sweet, but had spices that balanced the sweet perfectly. The dessert hound and I would share one every time we went to The ABBEY, and when they were gone, at LaHacienda Ranch, the restaurant that got permission from The Abbey former owners to continue making it.

Pecan pie is one of my top pies. I make one every Thanksgiving and I get to eat 7 of the with pieces - all with vanilla ice cream.

Yep, almost all of my Texas friends love pecan pie. It is just too sweet for me. That's not a criticism. It just doesn't agree with my own taste buds.

Having had some time to think about it, my two favorite desserts are NOLA bread pudding with a Bourbon sauce, and Bananas Foster, which is something I have mastered cooking for friends and family. Both of them are a balance of sweet and spice.

Yep, almost all of my Texas friends love pecan pie. It is just too sweet for me. That's not a criticism. It just doesn't agree with my own taste buds.

Having had some time to think about it, my two favorite desserts are NOLA bread pudding with a Bourbon sauce, and Bananas Foster, which is something I have mastered cooking for friends and family. Both of them are a balance of sweet and spice.

Pecan Pie is too sweet for me. I was always asked to make one for Thanksgiving, It looked so nice (my aunt had an in law that loved it). But I couldn't eat it. One cup sugar AND one cup corn syrup, UGH!

Please post your Bananas Foster
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HEY, HEY, hey! casey! Yoo Hoo... Here I am! Over here! can I be your friend? Bananas Foster.... mmmm.... Bread Pudding with Bourbon Sauce! MMMMM !!!!
Bananas Foster is actually easy to make. I use a lighter for the flambé part, instead of tipping the pan. I have a portable butane burner, and it is a great dessert for when you have guests, because you can make it table side.

I will make myself a note to post up a recipe thread for this. Feel free to nag me if/when I forget to do it. :ROFLMAO:

LOL, think I have a recipe for Bananas Foster - have just never gotten to that part of my Bucket List.
Now the Bread & Sauce, maybe I'll wait til I get to Texas.
LOL, think I have a recipe for Bananas Foster - have just never gotten to that part of my Bucket List.
Now the Bread & Sauce, maybe I'll wait til I get to Texas.

I have never tried to make bread pudding with bourbon sauce. I love it, but it is a bit intimidating to me. I will eventually make it, but it will most likely be a spur of the moment thing.

hmmmm... I see your game, a teaser, huh? We'll tackle it together then. LOL
Loved my mom's Hard Sauce she'd make for the Christmas Pudding. Would Bourbon Sauce be similar do you think? Albeit softer, runnier?
hmmmm... I see your game, a teaser, huh? We'll tackle it together then. LOL
Loved my mom's Hard Sauce she'd make for the Christmas Pudding. Would Bourbon Sauce be similar do you think? Albeit softer, runnier?
Maple syrup/sugar pie and butter tarts are amazing if you get the right ones. 🐷

Many versions exist and you really need to sample several before deciding how you feel about them.

It’s a rough job! 😉🤭😂
Bananas Foster is actually easy to make. I use a lighter for the flambé part, instead of tipping the pan. I have a portable butane burner, and it is a great dessert for when you have guests, because you can make it table side.

I will make myself a note to post up a recipe thread for this. Feel free to nag me if/when I forget to do it. :ROFLMAO:

I've seen Bananas Foster prepared on TV. It looks and sounds delicious. I copied the original Brennan's recipe from their website and hope to make it someday. SO doesn't appear to be interested and one of my daughters doesn't care for bananas so I guess I'll have to make it for a party of one.
I like Butter Tarts either with or without pecans - all pretty much the same thing. But I agree, tarte au sucre/sugar pie/pecan pies are a bit much. Maybe it's the ratio of crust/pastry to filling?
Do you think there is a lot of crust or not a lot of crust relative to the filling? I never noticed the ratio being much different than for most pies.
I've seen Bananas Foster prepared on TV. It looks and sounds delicious. I copied the original Brennan's recipe from their website and hope to make it someday. SO doesn't appear to be interested and one of my daughters doesn't care for bananas so I guess I'll have to make it for a party of one.

I use the Brennan's recipe. Even if they don't much like bananas, I still think your SO and daughter would like Bananas Foster. It is the perfect sweetness for people like me, who don't like really sweet things. Brown sugar has a deeper flavor than white sugar, and the rum cuts the sweetness just right, IMO.

Here it is, for everyone. It really is easy to make.

Was trying to think of what/which pies I like the most. Almost impossible - I love them all. Custards, Fruits, Pumpkin (guess that's a custard?) I just don't make them often, matter of fact, rarely. Sad, eh?
I rarely have a "favorite" of anything. Like you, I enjoy most of them! I've started making more desserts after finding those small pans at Aldis. We won't finish most desserts before they turn bad.

Like others, I do love pecan pie, but rarely get to enjoy it as I am the only one here who does. As for a dessert that can easily be adjusted in sweetness, my go-to is banana pudding....with vanilla wafers.

Pie crust is always hit or miss with me....usually miss. :whistling
As for a dessert that can easily be adjusted in sweetness, my go-to is banana pudding....with vanilla wafers.

Back when I had my teardrop camper, we had an annual gathering at a park in SE Oklahoma. We had a pot-luck dinner at every gathering, but at this one, there was always a "Puddin' Head." He/She (almost always a he) would pose for a picture with banana pudding all over their face. I was Puddin' Head once, but could not find a picture on the teardrop forum (as far as you know).



I use the Brennan's recipe. Even if they don't much like bananas, I still think your SO and daughter would like Bananas Foster. It is the perfect sweetness for people like me, who don't like really sweet things. Brown sugar has a deeper flavor than white sugar, and the rum cuts the sweetness just right, IMO.

Here it is, for everyone. It really is easy to make.

Can I leave out the banana liqueur or substitute more rum? I find banana liqueur yucky and far too sweet.
You could leave out the liqueur if you must, but it is the flavour added to the syrup which is the reason for it.
Just don't serve your portion with too much syrup.
You're cooking the banana is the syrup and that will make it sweet.
Golly if the sweetness idea bothered me I just wouldn't make it but it is a dessert and as such is meant to be like that.
Have you ever had them at all? what about crepe suzette, that too has liqueur but what you are tasting is the orange with just a hint of the liqueur. I believe those are the very flavours the whole dish is meant to be all about.

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