Trader Joe's products you have tried

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
taxy, Sheng Tai also has a store on the South Shore, never thought to look for them here. There is a huge Asian community in downtown Hamilton - I just haven't been yet.
Let me know when you come to town and we'll go exploring! LOL

He's absolutely right Kgirl. Great minds think alike!

I spy a new item at our Trader Joe's.
I warmed these the microwave oven for just 10 seconds at half power .... OOOOHHHHH! Yummy! And I'm not a fan of Scones.
I needed a quick lunch for myself before taking DH to yet ANOTHER Doctor's appointment...

I've never had Butter Chicken before and thought that I could dip my toe into that dish without a big commitment of buying an entire jar of the simmer sauce and find that I/we don't care for it.
Not bad, but a touch too spicy for my palette, DH refused to try it... "EEEWWWW! What's THAT?!" (please insert a whiny 10 little brat boy's voice hear for the full effect 😆)
I've been trying to put my finger on that predominant flavor ...
@Kaneohegirlinaz Two spices (one actually an herb) that are almost always in butter chicken (besides the garam masala mix) are cardamom and methi leaves. Would either of those be the predominant flavor you are trying to pinpoint?
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I went to Trader Joe's today and picked up a few things that caught my eye. I haven't tried any but the vanilla bean paste, which is wonderful. I found the vanilla last year, and it makes a big difference in my cheesecake.





I went to Trader Joe's today and picked up a few things that caught my eye. I haven't tried any but the vanilla bean paste, which is wonderful. I found the vanilla last year, and it makes a big difference in my cheesecake.





I’m curious about how you like the hot smoky chili paprika.
I know there is another TJ thread but I can't find it. :wacko:

My daughter loves the health and beauty products also. I love the cheese and crackers.

Here are 3 more FOOD products I have tried and LOVE!!

The 24 oz. honey for $5.99 is a good price and taste wonderful.



The shortbread cookies are Yummy!!

Thank you for your useful information, I will need it for my kitchen.
I've mentioned before that I don't generally shop at Trader Joe's because the nearest one is a half hour drive away to an area I rarely get to, but my sister sent me a box of goodies from her TJ's for my birthday recently. Here are a couple items I have enjoyed. I really like the "Pop Tarts." She also included a jar of the vanilla paste, but I haven't tried it yet.


I've mentioned before that I don't generally shop at Trader Joe's because the nearest one is a half hour drive away to an area I rarely get to, but my sister sent me a box of goodies from her TJ's for my birthday recently. Here are a couple items I have enjoyed. I really like the "Pop Tarts." She also included a jar of the vanilla paste, but I haven't tried it yet.

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The vanilla paste is wonderful. But it's seasonal.
We stopped by TJ's last week to pick up a few things. Stumbled upon their frozen Coconut Shrimp. I thought; "We like coconut shrimp. TJ's makes other things we like. So, we will love the coconut shrimp."

We bought a package which I prepared for dinner tonight. It was awful! The crust was crispy. Under the crust was some sort of mushy stuff then a little shrimp.

AND there was little coconut flavor.

It was an impulse purchase. We had had coconut shrimp at a restaurant recently and it was soooo good. I had looked at the recipe and told SO it was easy to make. So when we saw it in the freezer case we thought it could be a quick hit for a really tasty dish.
We stopped by TJ's last week to pick up a few things. Stumbled upon their frozen Coconut Shrimp. I thought; "We like coconut shrimp. TJ's makes other things we like. So, we will love the coconut shrimp."

We bought a package which I prepared for dinner tonight. It was awful! The crust was crispy. Under the crust was some sort of mushy stuff then a little shrimp.

AND there was little coconut flavor.

It was an impulse purchase. We had had coconut shrimp at a restaurant recently and it was soooo good. I had looked at the recipe and told SO it was easy to make. So when we saw it in the freezer case we thought it could be a quick hit for a really tasty dish.

I've seen a lot of YouTube videos about TJ's products, and my observation is that they have some outstanding products, and they have some real crap. You have to do some research, and there are plenty of reviews on YT, to find out what's good and what's crap.

My own personal shopping experience at TJ's is that almost every processed food product they sell is a major sodium bomb. I'm talking over half a day's sodium one serving.

TJs is fun to shop in, and I do find some things I like there, but you really have to read the labels and do your homework.

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I had this stashed in the deep freeze for days that I didn't feel like cooking something just for me.
That is SPICY!
As you can see, I left the curry sauce, mostly.
My mouth is still on fire as well as the corners of my mouth.
I won't say that I didn't like it, but WOW!!!
Well, vindalou is one of the hottest curries. I find that beer or a shandy of beer and lemonade or beer and ginger ale helps calm the burn.

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