Spicy Sweet and Sour Dip Sauce

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Master Chef
Nov 21, 2018
Woodbury, NJ
Spicy Sweet and Sour dipping sauce
Nahm Jeem Gratiem

1 c sugar
1/2 c water
1/2 c white vinegar
3/4 tsp salt
2 tb garlic, minced, but not too fine
About 10 dried Thai pepper, to make 1 tb,
or 1 tb crushed red pepper flakes

A. Crush the peppers in a mortar, until some powder is present, and no large pieces are left. If using crushed red pepper flakes, crush them briefly, in the mortar, to get some powder, but mostly flakes. If no mortar is available, use a spice grinder, pulsing to get this texture.

B. In a small (I use a 1 1/2 qt) saucepan, combine all ingredients, and bring to a boil over med-high heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Reduce heat to a simmer, and cook about 20 min., until thickened to a light syrup. A foam will form on the surface - about a half inch foam is what seems to indicate the right thickness.

C. Cool to room temperature before using. Keeps very well in the fridge - bring to room temp again, before using, as it is very thick, when cold.

This is very good with grilled chicken and meats, as well as fried appetizers.

This can be made milder - for those who don't like the Thai or crushed red pepper flakes, Aleppo can be used, for a good flavor, but much milder.
Thank you Pepper, this sounds like it would be good with shrimp. I might have to tame it down just a bit, though. :)
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