Grits Waffles

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Oct 10, 2018
I am looking for a recipe that includes grits and whole wheat flour for waffles.

Also I bake very seldom and don't like buying flour in 5# bags.
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Thanks for the tip. I am wondering about Whole Wheat flour. I see that "Wally World" has 2# of sprouted Whole Wheat flour. How does that differ from regular Whole Wheat flour?
Thanks for the tip. I am wondering about Whole Wheat flour. I see that "Wally World" has 2# of sprouted Whole Wheat flour. How does that differ from regular Whole Wheat flour?
Sprouts, of grains and legumes, have more of some nutrients than the regular seeds, so with some things, like the wheat, they will dry it again, then grind it into flour. They are usually considerably more expensive, so I never bought any, but I did make some once, of both wheat and rye - just sprouted them to the length of the seeds, then dried them, and ground them. Nothing much different about the flavor in the breads, however.

One thing I did once, that had a delicious flavor, was made waffles with about 2/3 masa harina, and 1/3 flour, to get that masa flavor.

If I were going to use grits in waffles, I would probably grind them finer - I'd be afraid the coarser grind would create a dry waffle, unless it was pre- cooked, and cooled, before mixing with the other ingredients.
Thanks for the tips. Does masa harina have the fiber that the grits do? I don't mind waffles a little dry I like to add ham or bacon bits and have savory vice sweet waffles
Masa has about the same fiber grits has, but it is very finely ground. There is a grind that is slightly more course (though not like grits), that is used mostly in tamales, but you will probably only find that in a Mexican grocery.
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