Older/Vintage Kitchenaid Mixer Users - Get a Solid State Version or Not?

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Assistant Cook
Jul 5, 2014
Ok, so I'm looking to find a vintage Kitchenaid and I read someone calling the K5-A as the "holy grail" of kitchenaid mixers. However, I learned that the K5-A was replaced by a "Solid State" Version called the K5SS (and the Tilt Head Model K-45 was replaced by the K45SS solid state version).
So I am wondering if there are any Kitchenaid Guru's that can tell me which one would be best between the older version and the solid state version? (Please don't recommend one over the other if you really don't have any experience with both - Thanks!)
Usage: I am looking to use it to make everything from bread and thick fudge to cookies, cakes and icings. I would want to be able to make single batches as well as multiple batches as we do make all sorts of goodies to sell at Yard Sales and other events nearly weekly.
I have that exact model, K5-A, in work horse white. I'm sorry but I can not give you a comparison simple because that old K5-A is still working great, never fails so there's never been a need to replace it with a solid state version for a comparison. The one expense I have had with it, is to buy an extra bowl. I can add this whether it helps or not...My sister has a slightly newer model than mine. Her daughter wanted the same mixer and received the new solid state model as a wedding gift. She claims she likes her mother's best while loving her own.
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