Hi Xmascarol1,
You posted a recipe for green peppercorn mustard for me. It may be that people may click on my name and access it that way. I`m only suggesting this as given thatI`ve only been posting on the site for a couple of months there may be a fewer threads to search.
Following on from the original posting, some green (canned, washed and drained) peppercorns strewn between layers of a chicken terrine or a fish terrine add a nice spicy bite.
Alternatively, why not try crushing some green peppercorns, adding to mayonnaise or horseradish sauce and serving with some smoked mackerel or smoked salmon?
Add a few crushed (canned, drained) green peppercorns to the sauce for Chicken a la King (google for recipes) or Rabbit a la King - same recipe but substitute rabbit. Okay, not traditional but will add a nice bite to a rich creamy sauce.
Hope these ideas help,