Canada Day/Independence Day

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My son and family arrived a couple of days ago for a visit, so I haven't taken much time to be on here, but I do wish all of my Canadian fellow DCers Happy Canada Day!!! :clap:
Was hoping to get a nice compare/contrast thread going. Guess I should have called it 1st of July/4th of July...
Good thing we grilled yesterday, just woke up to a might thunderstorm, with hail...
Happy Fourth of July (also known as Independence Day)!
Spent the evening last night trying to watch all of John Adams, didn't make it.
A belated thanks for all the Canada Day wishes.

It actually became my "Independence Day" because Dad has been transferred to a physio rehabilitation ward at the hospital and is now eating for the most part on his own and they only want me coming up once a day (it is a very strict program). This is big because we almost lost him 4 times during the last 2 months.

Happy July 4th to all my American friends!

i am so glad he is better. i know it has been really hard for you. hope this means that things are looking.

my friend wally is just the same. saw my grandson today, he is a respiratory therapist. he happened to draw her as a patient. he did not know her and was surprised to see my picture in her room. her daughter took it there. he is not a doctor of course but said it is really sad to see. how did i get so gloomy when this is a good day for you.

take care
We had leftover ribs/beans/potato salad today, then made these tonight for supper. Apple pie filling in eggroll wrappers with home made vanilla/nutmeg/cinnamon ice cream.


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Wyogal, that dessert looks/sounds awesome! So does your dinner, even as leftovers! Happy 4th (though it is probably over where you are).
Thanks! Just finished watching our town's fireworks show. We went to a nearby parking lot on a hill, looked across town at them. Our kids are up at the location, we didn't want to pay a parking fee or fight traffic! They have bands, had an indoor football game, beer garden, etc.
We have similar celebrations up here on Canada Day. I remember for several years going to the local park for a pancake breakfast and they had a fair for the kids. Later people would have picnic dinners and stay for the fireworks. I haven't gone for years.
Bucky, I thought I'd die laughing. I remember my father and his brothers talking about accidentally killing a Canada goose many years ago and it was a protected or endangered species, and they were nervous about it. Now you can hardly get through them in some golf courses (I don't golf, but have seen them!)

I was once in Washington, camping, on Victoria Day. The campground was full of Canadians celebrating, and we had a blast.
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