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  1. sustenation

    Electric vs. Charcoal Smoker?

    I was at Lowe's and saw the Brinkmann Gourmet Electric Smoker Grill. I am intrigued by this. On some level, it seems like cheating, but it also seems a heck of a lot easier than monitoring charcoal heat all day long. Has anyone ever used one? What are the tradeoffs with using one of these...
  2. sustenation

    Okra, shrimp and papaya?

    Definitely try it, grilled shrimp is awesome!
  3. sustenation

    Freezing Pesto

    How long have you saved it for? I never tried freezing it with the cheese added, but I've heard that the cheese doesn't preserve well.
  4. sustenation

    How To: Legsbig's Pepper Mash Pictorial

    Yeah, I definitely over-salted too. I didn't bring that up, because it seemed like an easily corrected problem. But I guess it's worth calling out for the benefit of others.
  5. sustenation

    How To: Legsbig's Pepper Mash Pictorial

    I finally made a hot sauce out of my mash. I boiled the mash at the end, because mylegsbig put the fear of botulism in me :wink: I added vinegar to make the sauce, so I didn't do the litmus test, because I assumed it would be pretty acidic at that point. I guess there's some new rule here...
  6. sustenation

    How To: Legsbig's Pepper Mash Pictorial

    Thanks for the tips, mine is a blend of cayenne and habanero, so I'll be sure to test the pH and give it a boil at the end.
  7. sustenation

    How To: Legsbig's Pepper Mash Pictorial

    So now you've got me worried about botulism. Did some reading about it, and it certainly doesn't seem like something to mess around with. However, I was reading here that 10 minutes of high temperature will destroy the toxin. Is it an option to boil the mash at the end of the aging process...
  8. sustenation

    How To: Legsbig's Pepper Mash Pictorial

    I just tried making my own mash. I skipped the boiling step, half out of laziness, and half because I didn't read about it elsewhere. Does this change the flavor to boil it before the aging? Am I going to die a horrible death when I finally make my sauce because of some evil bacteria...
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