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  1. L

    Cranberry sauce and apple pie questions

    I've been making my cranberry sauce from scratch for the last few years, and I just can't get it to gel. It doesn't matter how long I boil it, it just refuses to gel. The only thing I can think of is that I use orange extract instead of orange zest, could that be affecting it? I can't imagine...
  2. L

    ISO rodent-proof food storage

    Well it was bound to happen...with all of the construction a block away from my house (old housing torn down, new housing built), we've got mice. So I need a way to store my onions, potatoes, etc that is out of their reach. A hanging basket is the obvious solution, but since we live in...
  3. L

    Peanut butter - refrigeration?

    I keep on hearing how you're supposed to refrigerate peanut butter, especially the natural kind, which totally makes sense to me because of all of the oils. It's so difficult to spread when it's cold, though, and I was thinking - I go through a jar every two weeks or so - does it still need to...
  4. L

    Soda siphon question

    I might be totally crazy but I could swear that the soda siphon we used at the coffee shop where I used to work could be opened up and refilled with water without having to put in a new charger. I honestly remember refilling the water several times a day, but replacing the charger only...
  5. L

    Kitchen Disasters

    My worst was when I decided to bake a cake from scratch for my son's first birthday. (Actually several small cakes and different sizes of cupcakes to make the Baby Einstein caterpillar.) I used the wrong measuring spoon and put in twice as much baking powder and baking soda as I was supposed...
  6. L

    Clad double boiler?

    Thanks everyone!
  7. L

    Clad double boiler?

    Hm, well, I know that's how a double boiler works, I guess I was just wondering, if the pans conduct heat so well, then wouldn't the heat conduct right up into the top part of the double boiler (since it's touching the bottom pot, which is on the stove)? *shrug* Maybe I think too much. :)
  8. L

    Clad double boiler?

    Some background: I'm currently in the planning phase of replacing all of my pots and pans. I'm planning on buying a (small) set of fully clad stainless steel cookware (probably the Cuisinart Multiclad Pro, maybe the Henckels Classic Clad) and supplementing it with other pieces in the same or...
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