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  1. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    This dough recipe produced a great crust. Thin and crunchy wqon the bottom and nice big golden crusty pillows around the edges, that are perfect for dipping in just about anything. B
  2. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    I really like the K A bread flour so far. Did you say Chef Mario has property near here?
  3. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    I have been using King Aurther Bread flower. 00 is no where to be found in my area at least not in grocery store like Kroger.
  4. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    Thank you!! I will probably make this recipe in the next couple days. So we can have it for the weekend. The great thing about practicing this is the fact that the ingredients are cheap and it pretty much still taste pretty dang good. B
  5. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    Thank you! I'll take a look at that link. Then off to get my goods and start doughing it up.
  6. Barryl.ashworth

    New York Style pizza crust recipe.

    I love good pizza and want to make my own. I need a dough recipe for a great NY style crust. Thanks in advance, B
  7. Barryl.ashworth

    Ground Beef Stinks

    I would bet that "pink slime" is most commonly added to pre-formed frozen patties. I don't think you could handle slimed burger if it wasn't frozen. It would probably be way too thin.
  8. Barryl.ashworth

    How long would you leave cooked food out?

    Once food is set out 2hrs is a rule thumb. The danger zone for food born illness is from 40F - 140F you should never allow food to be in that temp range for more than 2 hrs or you run the risk of an issue.
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