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  1. P

    What have you had for breakfast lately?

    Momo dumplings.
  2. P


    He is feeling the pain only while sitting. There is no pain if he is standing or walking.
  3. P


    A friend of mine had a back pain for months which shifted to right thigh after he had a long bus journey of 8/9 hours. Could it be sciatica?
  4. P

    When it comes to apples, these apples are my favorite

    Gala apples are great but I love Golden Delicious apple. photo source:
  5. P

    Question about hygiene in the kitchen - inappropriate hand washing

    Here in India, people are not that concerned about hygiene and cleanliness. Street food is quite popular here, and I see people eating food of street vendors located across the sewer line. Even if a street vendor keeps their workplace clean, air and water pollution, dust and particulate matter...
  6. P

    Hello from Himalayas

    Hi, I'm a cooking enthusiast and nutritionist from Shimla, a small town in the western Himalayas.
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