Can I Iron Deli Paper Sheets?

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Assistant Cook
Jun 8, 2024
Hey everyone,

I just stocked up on deli paper for wrapping lunches, but the sheets came out of the package all wrinkled! I hate using them like that. Is it safe to iron deli paper to smooth them out? I've heard conflicting advice online. Anyone have experience with this?
Try it!

It might be best to use a pressing cloth or tea towel between the iron and the deli paper.

I would be concerned that ironing could introduce some sort of contamination or destroy any grease proof coating on the paper. 🤔

I would leave them alone and live with the wrinkles.
Thanks for the response! I'm definitely leaning towards caution since deli paper isn't exactly meant for high heat.

Using a pressing cloth is a great suggestion that way, if there are any potential contaminants on the iron, they won't transfer to the paper.
Try it!

It might be best to use a pressing cloth or tea towel between the iron and the deli paper.

I would be concerned that ironing could introduce some sort of contamination or destroy any grease proof coating on the paper. 🤔

I would leave them alone and live with the wrinkles.
Now, that gourmet food wrapping paper they use these days can be pretty delicate, you know? So the idea of using an iron on it might seem a little risky.
I would put a pressing cloth on the bottom too. You don't want anything attaching from underneath or melting onto whatever surface you are using to iron on.
Ahhhh, light bulb moment! Wrap sandwich in paper, press with hot iron, instantly sealed sandwich bag.

Edit: instantly sealed and toasted sandwich in a bag.
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