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  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Eggs, getting eggs!.
    Speaking of eggs (so we stay on topic), Casey, how are you doing in Dallas? Are you going to be in the hurricane zone at all? I have a...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Eggs, getting eggs!.
    No, never been there. And I'm just as happy to never see Florida again. I was in the Ft Lauderdale area once and my friends had 3 acres...
  • rodentraiser
    Now I know lettuce is supposed to wilt much faster if cut with a knife. Something about the reaction between the lettuce and the metal...
  • rodentraiser
    Must be Day of the Tacos. My neighbors cooked a bunch of tacos for supper and brought me the leftovers. So that's what I ate tonight.
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Microwave vs oven.
    My microwave is kind of small, but when I put a frozen Stouffer's dinner in it, I usually put it in for at least 7 minutes, stirring...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    We're having a week of super hot weather. The good part is that the tomatoes have put on an inch in two days. They now have the rest of...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Maybe we have mutant clover up here. I'm glad you said that about your irises. The person who gave these to me said they would all...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Eggs, getting eggs!.
    The road that goes along the water into my little town is usually 35mph, so many people along the road have chickens. There's one spot...
  • rodentraiser
    It's been way too hot to cook anything. Lloyd's ribs were on sale, though, so I put them on foil, put in three tablespoons of water, and...
  • rodentraiser
    I had heard if you wrap your celery in foil, it will stay fresh. I've been doing that and it seems to work. But I usually only buy...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Like I said, I love the clover. But it takes over like crazy. I want to have something else in my flower beds than just clover and the...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    The irises were embedded in the clover, so that's why I didn't want to use anything on them. What I had was a 10'x6' plot of nothing but...
  • rodentraiser
    When I lived in the trailer park, I was across the street from the cemetery, which was way up on a high hill. You can see up and down...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Guess what? The REAL carrots are now coming up. I have no idea what the other stuff was. Probably bird seed got in the bucket when I...
  • rodentraiser
    Those steaks all look lovely. And all I had tonight was pizza.
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