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  • rodentraiser
    When I was visiting my mom in Virginia about 15 years ago, I saw they had a Kroger store back there. I had only seen QFC in Washington...
  • rodentraiser
    You can order them from Walmart and Amazon. I understand they have 5 flavors now: cherry, blackberry, peach (my favorite), raspberry...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Dream Melons....
    Sorry 'bout that. LOL But better to be safe than sick.
  • rodentraiser
    I had to wait till 1pm today for a neighbor's package to be delivered (needed to be signed for) and after that, I went to the store and...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Who needs rabbits when you have deer? I had another one get into the strawberries this time. I swear, I patch one hole and they find...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Dream Melons....
    Don't get too carried away with smelling them. I've seen little kids picking their noses and touching the produce and also coughing all...
  • rodentraiser
    I ended up with pork seasoned with applewood marinade in a tortilla wrap with cheese, tomato, and chopped onions with a Clearly Canadian...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Watered the lawn yesterday in the morning. Then it clouded up and rained all afternoon. No rain in the forecast I looked at. But I've...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    Finally, finally, I weeded the containers. Also moved them around a little so the rose wasn't shading the strawberries and my back won't...
  • rodentraiser
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Over, Under, Sideways, Down.
    I never noticed them either. I have a couple icons on my whatever-you-call-it bar - the one with the back and bookmark buttons - and I...
  • rodentraiser
    I had tacos tonight. Cooked up two pounds of hamburger and made taco meat out of it. To save time. I'll let you all know that I will be...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Fun camping food story.
    Actually, it didn't. When I poked my flashlight at him to scare him off (HA!), he grabbed it and we had a tug of war. Now that I...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    I remember one year I planted strawberries, corn, and lettuce. The birds ignored the corn and strawberries, but went after the lettuce...
  • rodentraiser
    rodentraiser replied to the thread Fun camping food story.
    I used to go out to Fremont Peak in San Juan Bautista with my astronomy group. You would not believe how accustomed to people all the...
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