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  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread The Sick Room.
    It's 3 AM. I was sound asleep. The phone rang. It was my mom. She was having one of her panic attacks. She usually calls my sister, but...
  • caseydog
    Today was a nice day, finally, and I took the 4 types of garlic, plus the small amount of Metechi, I filled up 4 and 7 spots I didn't...
  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread Alcohol or NO alcohol?.
    I imagine I could sell my vanilla extract that way, but I can't find Mexican vanilla extract here, even in liquor stores. Probably not a...
  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    I don't know much about squash and pumpkins, but my mind is a bit confused right now. Larry and Marlingardiner harvesting things I just...
  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    Hmmmm, there is nothing round these parts that will mess with my jalapeños. Are yours really hot, or pretty mild. Mine are mild in the...
  • caseydog
    caseydog reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Today's harvest with Haha Haha.
    Marlingardener, those look like sugar pumpkins - yum for pies! If you have lots of blossoms check for male and female and pick a few...
  • caseydog
    caseydog reacted to Marlingardener's post in the thread Today's harvest with Wow Wow.
    We picked five pumpkins. We have never had pumpkins in July. They usually are a mid-September crop. We have one vine, perhaps more...
  • caseydog
    caseydog reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Alcohol or NO alcohol? with Like Like.
    I think that will depend on where you intend to sell it. There are probably different laws in different places.
  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread Alcohol or NO alcohol?.
    I make my own vanilla extract, and it has significant alcohol content. I know grocery stores here can't sell the stuff from Mexico in...
  • caseydog
    As of a few minutes ago, here's what's up in Frisco... It is pretty dry out there, so the heat index isn't as high as it could be...
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  • caseydog
    caseydog replied to the thread Song Title Game.
    Great official video. May not be completely safe for work, but funny if you watch it all. The last five seconds made me :ROFLMAO: . CD
  • caseydog
    The other thing to consider, and another reason to see a specialist, is that everyone is different. My maternal grandfather had a diet...
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  • caseydog
    caseydog reacted to blissful's post in the thread Can we talk about our cholesterol? with Like Like.
    along with what @caseydog said, depending on any risk factors you or your doctor may be concerned about, you can choose the right...
  • caseydog
    I know we hit 100F, but didn't catch the heat index. It's not that humid, since it hasn't rained in a week, and that rain was brief. I...
  • caseydog
    Thanks! Been a bit absent because I have been having my new kitchen installed! Very painless, I must say, and it’s stunning!! I will...
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