Who's Smoking Turkey Today?

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Assistant Cook
Jun 1, 2015
Last year at Thanksgiving I wasn't able to buy a suitable turkey breast at the grocery store. In part because I didn't know what I was looking for and in part because the stores don't have what I want. I want a boneless/skinless turkey breast. What the stores seem to have is bone-in turkey breasts.

So this year I relented and bought the bone-in breast. What I didn't realize is... this product is both breasts (a whole breast?) with the rib and back still in place. It's essentially a turkey with the thigh/leg portion removed. So somewhere out there is a turkey walking around with its chest cut off!

I removed the skin from the turkey. I dry rubbed the turkey with my favorite homemade rub - equal parts salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and paprika, then a dash of cayenne pepper. Covered it and left it in the refrigerator overnight. I know there are lots of opinions about this but it's my first time so go easy on me.

I put it on the smoker (a 35 year old gas grill) and now we'll see what happens.


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