What's for dinner, Tuesday, March 26, 2024?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
Tovala meals, got a new delivery today. Craig had mole-spiced chicken breast with lime crema with SW succotash - black-eyed peas, black beans, red and green bell peppers, corn, onions, garlic plus optional corn nuts. Mine was Garlic-herb crusted chicken, with spinach-artichoke risotto. Craig said his was good. Mine was darn close to great.
I put two cod loins in foil wraps with salt, pepper, butter and a sprinkling of Sumac. I baked these and red pepper chunks, whole large mushrooms, and red onion quarters in a glass dish. Most of the peppers got burnt, but in fact, the fish turned out beautifully. On the side, I cooked a mix of Buckwheat and Bulgar Wheat - cooked in fish stock and with added green beans, broccoli and chunks of celeriac. It was not a pretty dish! And I cannot see the point of Sumac.
I put two cod loins in foil wraps with salt, pepper, butter and a sprinkling of Sumac. I baked these and red pepper chunks, whole large mushrooms, and red onion quarters in a glass dish. Most of the peppers got burnt, but in fact, the fish turned out beautifully. On the side, I cooked a mix of Buckwheat and Bulgar Wheat - cooked in fish stock and with added green beans, broccoli and chunks of celeriac. It was not a pretty dish! And I cannot see the point of Sumac.
This Sumac Onions dish, it's a type of quick pickled onions, is good enough reason to have sumac in the house.

I have had a migraine since midnight yesterday. I really couldn't manage to make supper. We ordered from one of our favourite Italian restos, Scarolie's. We shared a plate of spaghetti aglio e olio and a Cæsar salad. That worked out really well. The food was excellent and we didn't have too much. I pulled out chocolate ice cream with sliced almond for dessert.
A few days ago I got a craving for some Italian dish, after trimming all that basil from my hydroponics - I love the smell of that stuff! So last night I took a 1½ lb pack of ground venison, which I had flavored with Italian sausage seasonings (not enough fat to call sausage, but serves the purpose), and thawed that in the fridge. The first thing I did today, was put some dried eggplant to soak in hot water, then set some dried tomatoes to soak in some hot water. Then I set some cannelini beans and some dried green beans to cook in plain water, with a little salt, for 20 minutes, in the Instant Pot, then started cutting things. Onion started cooking first, in some olive oil, followed by 2 very large red bells, diced, and 6 minced cloves of garlic. After a few minutes for the garlic, the meat was added, and cooked and broken up into large chunks, while cooking. Then I added a generous tb of minced basil, and about 3 tb chopped fresh marjoram, and about 2 chopped fresh parsley, and at least 2 tsp pepper flakes (added more later!). Then I puréed the soaked tomatoes in the Vitamix, with the 1½ c water they were soaked with, added it to the pan, then added a 28 oz can of whole tomatoes to the VM, and coarsely puréed them, and put them in the pan. Then rinsed the pan out with a little more water, and put it into the pan. This simmered while I drained the beans, then I cooked 1½ c kamut - I was going to use spelt, but had just the right amount of this, so I used it all up. Cooked it 15 minutes in the IP, and let it release naturally, all while simmering the sauce. Drained beans were added to the sauce, then the kamut drained, and added, and mixed up. Tasted for seasonings, added a little more pepper, as always, then stirred in about 3/4 c chopped basil. I served this with some grated Asiago cheese.
Starting the Italian type dish, with some onion, pepper, and garlic, and browning sausage, while some dried beans are cooking in IP. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Some dried eggplant, soaked, and added to the sauce to simmer, along with some dried oyster mushrooms, while cooking some kamut, in IP. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Fresh basil, 1 tb minced and added early, the rest will be added at the end, in larger chunks. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Sauce ready for the beans and kamut to be added, and simmered briefly. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Kamut added after the bears were mixed in. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished dish, ready to serve. by pepperhead212, on Flickr

Finished dish, with extra basil, and Asiago cheese. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
I put two cod loins in foil wraps with salt, pepper, butter and a sprinkling of Sumac. I baked these and red pepper chunks, whole large mushrooms, and red onion quarters in a glass dish. Most of the peppers got burnt, but in fact, the fish turned out beautifully. On the side, I cooked a mix of Buckwheat and Bulgar Wheat - cooked in fish stock and with added green beans, broccoli and chunks of celeriac. It was not a pretty dish! And I cannot see the point of Sumac.
How much did you use? I love sumac - it has a lovely citrusy flavor - but you do have to use a fair amount of it. A sprinkling, like you might use salt, isn't enough.
How much did you use? I love sumac - it has a lovely citrusy flavor - but you do have to use a fair amount of it. A sprinkling, like you might use salt, isn't enough.
Ah, maybe that was the problem GG. I sprinkled it on both sides of each fillet. But I couldn't really taste it at all.
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