What would you sub for red bell pepper in this recipe?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Unfortunately, looks like I have to cut back on the nightshades again. What would you substitute for the red bell pepper in this recipe? No, not tomatoes - they are also nightshades. Yes, I know hot peppers are also nightshades, but I think the capsaicin is what makes those not bother me. It's a recipe from Chef John that I want to try. I will list the ingredients and I'll put a link to the recipe, in case anyone wants to have a look see.


1 cup uncooked long-grain rice
1 1/2 cups water
1 (7 ounce) jar tuna packed in olive oil
1/2 cup finely diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup finely diced jalapeno pepper
1/4 cup finely sliced green onions
1/3 cup seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons Sriracha hot sauce
1/2 lemon, juiced, or to taste
1 pinch Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru), or to taste
1 teaspoon finely sliced green onion, or to taste

Here's the link to the recipe, instructions, and a video for the "Spicy Tuna Rice Bowl":
Unfortunately, looks like I have to cut back on the nightshades again. What would you substitute for the red bell pepper in this recipe? No, not tomatoes - they are also nightshades. Yes, I know hot peppers are also nightshades, but I think the capsaicin is what makes those not bother me. It's a recipe from Chef John that I want to try. I will list the ingredients and I'll put a link to the recipe, in case anyone wants to have a look see.


1 cup uncooked long-grain rice
1 1/2 cups water
1 (7 ounce) jar tuna packed in olive oil
1/2 cup finely diced red bell pepper
1/4 cup finely diced jalapeno pepper
1/4 cup finely sliced green onions
1/3 cup seasoned rice vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons Sriracha hot sauce
1/2 lemon, juiced, or to taste
1 pinch Korean red pepper flakes (gochugaru), or to taste
1 teaspoon finely sliced green onion, or to taste

Here's the link to the recipe, instructions, and a video for the "Spicy Tuna Rice Bowl": https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/278876/spicy-tuna-rice-bowl/

I don't know that there is any other veggie that will match the red bell pepper. You may however substitute eggplant, or strips of peeled acorn squash for texture (don't overcook), and add maybe some capers, and Kalamata olives. The flavor would be different, but tasty, and would pair well ith the other ingredients. Others may have better answers.

Seeeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
Eggplant is also a nightshade.

I didn't think to mention it. But, the only thing that gets cooked in that recipe is the rice. Everything else just gets heated by the hot rice.
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I'd go with sliced black olives. They'll add a little bit of crunch and some colour, albeit not a red colour. Diced radishes would also add crunch and the red colour.
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