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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
I think it was Jeeks that mentioned how many of what plants he wanted to grow this year. For me, that has been one of the hardest things to figure out, how much of what to plant so we actually eat most of what we grow. After 3 decades, I've gotten some what of a grip on it:LOL:, but it still is a challange.

Three weeks ago I started about 80 onion seedlings from last years seeds. And yesterday I started a flat of 3 different onion seeds, 6 flat leaf parsley plants, and 12 celery plants. The problem I have with onions is that they do not get very large, so this year I started them way early to see if I can't get bigger bulbs this year. For the celery, I do not blanch the plants. I did the very first year I planted celery, but not again, too much trouble/work and no benefit. I use bottom heat on my soon to be seedlings, so I hope to report some new plants soon!:)
beth, I'm jealous! I have problems getting even one onion to grow. Zone 9 vegetable gardening is new to me. If we learn by our mistakes, then I should have become a fountain of knowledge by now.

I can make excuses - too much rain, not enough sun, too much heat - the truth is I haven't figured out what to do.

I'm looking forward to your experiences, as well as others, to guide me in the right direction.

Thanks for sharing.
I think it was Jeeks that mentioned how many of what plants he wanted to grow this year. For me, that has been one of the hardest things to figure out, how much of what to plant so we actually eat most of what we grow. After 3 decades, I've gotten some what of a grip on it:LOL:, but it still is a challange.

Three weeks ago I started about 80 onion seedlings from last years seeds. And yesterday I started a flat of 3 different onion seeds, 6 flat leaf parsley plants, and 12 celery plants. The problem I have with onions is that they do not get very large, so this year I started them way early to see if I can't get bigger bulbs this year. For the celery, I do not blanch the plants. I did the very first year I planted celery, but not again, too much trouble/work and no benefit. I use bottom heat on my soon to be seedlings, so I hope to report some new plants soon!:)
Beth are you thinning the onion plants?My dad was a fanatic about thinning and he use to have some wonderful large stockton red onions..

Last year I started tomatoes and sunflowers without much luck. We keep our house very cool (about 68) so maybe they didn't get enough heat. I think this year, I'll just get tomatoe plants from the local green house.

I would like to try onions though ... what is the reasoning behind starting them now Beth? I am a zone 4 gardener, can I start them in the ground when I plant my beans and peas? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Beth are you thinning the onion plants?My dad was a fanatic about thinning and he use to have some wonderful large stockton red onions..


I'm not quite sure what you mean by thinning the onions kades. I started the seeds in a 2 inch deep 14"x24" flat and I intend to replant them later to space them out. Will that do it?
I would like to try onions though ... what is the reasoning behind starting them now Beth? I am a zone 4 gardener, can I start them in the ground when I plant my beans and peas? Thank you for sharing your knowledge!

I believe the bulbing of onions are triggered by day length. And in order to get the onions to bulb, they need to be at a certain growth stage by mid summer. So the seeds need to be started early in order to accomplish this. Where I live in Ohio, I can not start onions from seeds in the garden, they would not grow much past scallions! It is more common to buy sets to plant out in the garden.
Aha - Thank you! I've always seen them in the store with the potatoes (little onions and potatoes). Will those give me bigger onions or still just the scallion size? I'm guessing we are similar growing areas ...
I'm not quite sure what you mean by thinning the onions kades. I started the seeds in a 2 inch deep 14"x24" flat and I intend to replant them later to space them out. Will that do it?
My dad thined by taking out every other plant then you can replant them with a larger spacing in between, he did this as soon as the plants got big enough to pull with out breaking them, this he said gave them room to expand and grow, he did the same thing when the were in the ground this gives them more room and you get nicer sized onions..
Aha - Thank you! I've always seen them in the store with the potatoes (little onions and potatoes). Will those give me bigger onions or still just the scallion size? I'm guessing we are similar growing areas ...

Actually, Beth is in southern Ohio, one or two zones south of you, depending on how far south she is.

Tomatoes don't like to be cool - it stunts their growth. I'm in zone 7 and we don't put them out till mid-April at least - the soil temperature should be 65* or more. HTH.
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