What is your weather like right now?

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Oh happy day! 29ºF. and bright sunshine. But not for long.

Yesterday was the same. I went out to have a late lunch with my daughter. I wouldn't be surprised to find a notice from the restaurant asking us to not return in the future. We just couldn't stop laughing. It was one of those days when everything was funny. I had clam chowder, fried clams plate, coffee. When we left, it even felt warm out. So we stood in the sunshine and had a cigarette. By the time I go home, I was exhausted. But I hated to go in. If the benches has been cleared off, I would have sat outside for a few minutes. :angel:
We FINALLY got some snow here. Feb. has been unusually warm, in the 50's and 60's and this area relies on the snow pack for irrigation water later in the year. Yesterday we got 18 inches of snow. DH brought this home from work to clear some driveways.


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Watching the weather tonight. We are within a few inches of the snowiest winter ever recorded for Boston. The news team is actually rooting for us to break the record! 104+ inches and they want more. People are insane from all the cold and snow.
I can't get over those Slurpee waves in Nantucket! So weird to not see any foam with a wave! Oh how I wish those stills were a video to see the movement!

Wishing sunshine to everyone who so badly needs it.
Watching the weather tonight. We are within a few inches of the snowiest winter ever recorded for Boston. The news team is actually rooting for us to break the record! 104+ inches and they want more. People are insane from all the cold and snow.

I am with you Andy. Have the weather and news folks lost their minds? We can't recover from what we have now and they want to pile more on. And now they are concerned with the St. Paddy's Day Parade. The City should be concerned with snow removal. The Mayor is telling us we may just have to get used to living with all the snow banks. He wants to put all the resources in Southie to clear for the parade. Has this idiot lost his mind? There are so many streets that are supposed to be two way. Big joke. You are lucky if they are one way. I think we voted in the wrong person to replace Mennino. Unless you live in an Irish section of Boston, you just don't count I guess.

I know the city workers and contractors are very tired. Give them a day or two off, and then set up three shifts for them to start clearing the snow from ALL parts and neighborhoods in the city. I wouldn't complain at all to hear the snow removal crews outside at night as long as I knew the city was really trying to make an effort. It seems like they have just given up.

We set our clocks back this Saturday. That will give the City more hours of daylight to work on snow removal. I wonder if they will take advantage of the extra time. :angel:
Started snowing about an hour ago. Supposed to change to rain/snow mix. Should be a mess by the time I leave for work this afternoon. Spring will truly be welcome this year.
I just came in from running a few errands, it it starting to rain. The high temp. today is expected to be 36 with rain tonight and tomorrow, a high of 40 expected tomorrow. I consider that to be the good news. The bad news is that when I entered the parking garage I ran into a crew of men installing large wooden beams to brace the roof of the parking garage. The roof has a couple of feet of snow on it and the rain will soak into it like a giant sponge!

I think I'll check my car dealer's website and see what he has in stock for 2015! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
We have a skating rink out there. Freezing rain all night, most schools are closed today, and the paper didn't come this morning.
Our temps are warming up, but we had some freezing rain today. Supposed to be warming up gradually the next few days so I think our snow will start melting soon.
Our temps are warming up, but we had some freezing rain today. Supposed to be warming up gradually the next few days so I think our snow will start melting soon.

And there's the question. How many people will be safely high and dry when the melting starts? We have some wonderful new neighbors from upstate NY who recently moved here. They had to fly back there a few weeks ago for family duties, and they were ever so glad to be back to this new home of theirs.
Standing out in the sunshine talking today, they naturally are concerned about all those "back home". Good people we are happy to know.
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Whoa. I actually skated out to the mailbox (minus the skates). Horribly slippery with the thaw and refreezing. It's treacherous here along the river.
Wow, Beth....that's a lot of snow, I didn't think New Mexico got that much.

Dawg...be careful going out to your mailbox! :ohmy:

Kay, glad you have nice new neighbors. Isn't that great? I love my neighbors around me and feel so blessed to have them. :)

We got some more rain a few days ago, that is always welcome.
We had a high of 1°C (34°F), w00t! That's the first time it's been up to freezing in forever. It's currently -6°C (29°F) and going to go down to -14°C (7°F). It was the coldest February on record for Greater Montreal. Average temperature was -15°C (5°F). It never got up to freezing all month.
I think it was the coldest Feb. on record in both Boston and Worcester (our "big" city in MA). It was the coldest on record in Cleveland since records have been kept in the mid-1800s. In fact, it was the second-coldest winter month in Cleveland, only behind a January from within the last few decades or so. Gee, it seems like there's Global Cooling all over. Ice Age!
It's about 23 degrees right now and we got about 4 inches of snow overnight. This is supposed to be our last measurable snow of the season. I think they said that last time!

Schools are closed and my DIL took the day off. She and dgs are sled riding.
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