What is your favorite alcoholic beverage to relax and unwind?

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That's weird taxy. How can that work? Unless he always has certain types always on the go. But that's a lot of inventory to keep rotating on the 'chance' that someone may come in for some.

What if no one has started a Chardonnay or Pinot before her? Surely not everyone has the same type started everytime she goes in.

Maybe there are only a few types of wine that one can do that with. Maybe they don't offer a lot of types of wine. Maybe she chooses a type that she likes that is available when she goes and then makes more of that type.

I just mentioned this to my DH and he reminded me that we looked into it at one time. I don't remember what it was that we didn't like about it at the nearby place(s). Once we are going out and about again, it's probably time to check into it again.
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Well, you do pay upfront and then wait 6 to 8 weeks. Perhaps she just has a rotation, which is what I try to do. Bottle a batch and order a new one to be finished just around the time the older batch(s) runs out.

You are supposed to let it age as well but that can all be calculated for. Anyhow, pretty good wine and an amazing price.

I have some Port in the basement that is more than 10 years old. It is just amazing. Like silk.

Mind you, these wines don't age as well and for too long (years that is) - but at the rate I drink it that is never a problem!
I don't remember if I ever posted an answer in this thread or not, so what the heck, I'll post...

My favorite mixed drink is Canadian Whiskey and diet cola. And within the last couple of years, I've become very fond of Gallo Sweet Wine, the Sweet Grape. So delicious! And I never even used to like wine.
I only drink hard booze if we're on foot.

My wife attends nursing seminars across from Disneyland and I'll walk over from the hotel and get their unique drinks.

The bartenders are all skilled and unique. Relaxed atmosphere in the higher end Diz bars and I really enjoy myself.

Baby Yoda:

Mickey Mouse Martini:

Poison Apple:

Outside of the above I like Coors and Corona lite beers.
Bud Light gives me a graveyard class headache.
I'm a rum/Whiskey and Coke guy.

But lately, I've been doing gin and tonics.

Don't drink a lot and make them light. I like the taste, not the buzz.
The Manhattan… been consuming them for over forty years, and hence have the perfect recipe for one. If anyone is interested, just ask.
I used to make my own Home brew but some of the supplies I used and loved are no longer available. (Munton & Fison Dark Special LME) I added 3 lbs of dark dry malt powder in the 5 gallon batch using my hard filtered water. Just water, malt, hops, and Vierka Munich yeast. When I poured a bottle into my glass the head was thick as a meringue.

In the hot summer I enjoy a Gin and Tonic with a slice of Lime in it. In winter Bourbon & coke or Rum. Being an Appalachian American (hill billy)
I'm totally capable of making my own "white lightning". (I don't cause it's illegal :angel: ) But if I did, I'd use T Noirot flavorings to make it taste like Bourbon, Gin, Rum, and so on.

But with all of this said, I don't imbibe that much alcohol beverage. All things in moderation.

Preparation for liqueurs, concentrated flavours for DIY
I have enjoyed reading everyone's preferences for drinks.

When I turned 21, I went to work in a liquor store, owned by a family friend. I learned, over time, a lot about mixed drinks, wine, etc.

My first wife and I were fun loving party drinkers. That lasted until we were about 40 and decided that drinking away from home was dangerous. She, pretty much, didn't drink anything after that and I limited my drinking to beer.

Now, @ 80+, an occasional cold beer, with certain foods, is the extent of my enjoying alcohol. Haven't had any hard liquor in my house for 20 or so years.
(actually used to have small bottles for cooking, but even stopped that)

I take an hour to read between the day's work and the cookery. When it's cold out, I take blended scotch (Famous Grouse) over ice. When it's warm, I switch to Gordon's gin & diet tonic with a big hunk of lime.
Right now it’s White Zin and club soda.
Though I’m cooking for the house I’m eating Jenny Craig to shed serious pounds.
The White Zin is my only vice.
It’s working.
There is a certain Dutch pilsener beer wellknown in the world. Funny thing is, in The Netherlands it is often regarded as an average beer. Nice on a hot day, not very expensive.
Yesterday I posted somewhere here about the Trappist-beers. That beer is brewed inside the walls of a monastery. Only 14 of them, most in Belgium, a few Netherlands and France. And 6 of those 14 are regarded as the absolute top in the world.
Abyss - beers are brewed with monastery-recipes in large breweries that also brew other beers, like Heineken.
Monks do follow the brewing daily themselves, they are in control.
The workers are not connected with the monastery.
That beer is my beer when in for a relaxing, slow drink.
The sensation of this beer is comparable with that of a good homemade sourdoughbread instead of factory-made.
And cheaper. 🙂
Alcohol can be between 4 % and 9%.
Drinks very smooth.
They have a reputation of hitting you without forewarning if one too many !
Dutch name is Abdij-beer.
If ever want to buy this, use tìhis Abdij-name instead of Abyss.
Because there is a brand that calls itself Abyss, but there are several.



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