What does this cookie look like?

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Last week we all went out for my Dad's 83rd Birthday.
My sister in law bought him cookies.
Right off the bad, My dad is diabetic and shouldn't be eating a box full of sugar laced, icing covered cookies. But putting that aside, what do these cookies look like to you ? Just curious.


  • cookie.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 23
That's what we thought too! We were trying to figure out why she would by such cookies for his Birthday . He's not in the greatest health. When we told her what we thought it looked like, she actually got insulted and told us that we were morbid and it doesn't resemble a tombstone at all. We have asked at least 10 + people what they think it looked like, and %100 said tombstone :LOL:. We actually are having a great laugh out of it, but still trying to figure out how she doest see it .
LOL, I think that's a pretty good guess!

But not only morbid, between the sugar and the tombstone - is she wishing for an inheritance.
That was rude, crass, insulting and you name it.

I think Common Sense 101 should be brought back to all schools AND as a crime induced sentence much like "60 hours of community work".
But as in "You are hereby sentenced to... "6 months of 2 hour classes per week of Common Sense."
Wouldn't it be a shame if it were accidentally dropped and it shattered into a thousand pieces.
@CharlieD - Where you type your message there is a line starting B I and other symbols. The eighth from the left [after the symbol to insert images] is a smiley sign. Hover the curser over it and it will say "Smilies". Click on it and they should show up.
That's what we thought too! We were trying to figure out why she would by such cookies for his Birthday . He's not in the greatest health. When we told her what we thought it looked like, she actually got insulted and told us that we were morbid and it doesn't resemble a tombstone at all. We have asked at least 10 + people what they think it looked like, and %100 said tombstone :LOL:. We actually are having a great laugh out of it, but still trying to figure out how she doest see it .
What does *she* think it is?
You guys are right on point! Took the words right out of my mouth.

@larry_stewart what do you expect from a person who tells you to bring your own meals to Thanksgiving? :rolleyes: She apparently lives on her own planet.
Yep, same SIL lol. Knowing it was a her who did it, It all makes sense. Luckily my family has a sense of humor, but wow, what an ass. What's funny is she was mad at us at firsts ( probably cause she was embarrassed or in denial ), but that's a completely avoidable mistake with just a little common sense. We'll be talking about this one for awhile.
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