What did you eat Sunday, May 5, 2024?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Dinner was pan-fried skirt steak, creamed spinach, and Trader Joe's vegetable bird nests.

I started a migraine this afternoon, so I wasn't really up for making supper. I had some kippered herring out of a can on a slice of Wasa crisp rye bread and some more on some toast. When I got hungry a bit later, I had some tortilla chips with hummus and Kalamata olives. That really hit the spot.
I had a Bell & Evans frozen chicken burger on Italian toast with a slice of cheese, pickles, etc…

I had never tried Bell & Evans products before because I felt that they were a bit too spendy.

The chicken burger was good and not terribly expensive on a cost per serving basis.

I cooked it from frozen on medium heat in a covered cast iron pan with a squirt of cooking spray for approx. 5 minutes per side.
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Not even realizing tht it was Cinco de Mayo when I planned the day's menu, I made a Sunday brunch fritatta, Southwestern style, with 6 eggs seasoned with corriander, cumin, onion, garlic Mexican oregano and a touch of crushed red pepper; carnitas, jalopy peppers, and 5 cheese Mexican blend; two buttered flour tortillas, and an orange mimosa.

For Sunday dinner I had a bowl of homemade chili with beans and a slice of cast iron skillet jalapeño corn bread.

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