Well, okay yes, I went there…

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Jade Emperor

Sous Chef
Apr 12, 2023
Hello fellow loved ones!
After much hand-wringing, weeping and general inner turmoil, I tamed my scratch and have bought a high-powered gas wok burner!
This piece will only be used outside, as I’m really not that interested in burning the house down.
I have been exploring the magically fascinating world of Asian cuisine for some years now - I can’t get enough of it! I love the techniques, the cultural significance and the flavours, which when done correctly, are absolutely nothing like your corner takeaways. They are just beautiful. There really is no equivalent to our perception of high end fine dining- it’s a manufactured concept that we as westerners have created.
Back to the story, though!
I have been umming and ahhing about one of these pieces for ages now. I recognised very early on in my Asian cuisine journey that the hottest setting on my gas top stove was just simply not hot enough for that wonderful wok hay, and I needed a more powerful, lava-like flame, such that would even have burned Anakin Skywalker to the kind of burnt crisp that I so wanted to see. Truly, I have had such awful results in my past that I am well aware of how a piece of charcoaled food might one day end up as a diamond. Unlikely, but so be it.
Anyway, I just woke up yesterday morning and said - let’s do it!
So I have purchased a stand alone high powered wok burner. Gas bottle, putting it simply, a bbq but just the flame and the bench.
I will proudly show it off when it arrives, in that other thread, and reliant on it being good.
Thought I should share, not really sure if I still have an audience that is awake. Sorry.
When someone dreams, thinks about as it seems you have, then the only way to satisfy that itch is to just do it.

Congrats! Looking forward to hearing how you are going to "tame the beast".
This is a 100% indulgent purchase.
I’m not sure if I should post my situation here, but whatever.
My family has all passed away, I’m the one left. And I don’t have long either. I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness and I am just doing what I want until I go.
I have a very substantial inheritance, a house that I own and have been told in no uncertain words that I can’t work again, nor travel.
So; ups and downs.
Until I leave this existence, I intend to make myself happy, which is cooking, and to make sure that MrJade is left well for his life ahead.
But I do not wish to be mourned, because Buddha teaches not only these things. I only wish that I can be a useful and helpful participant here and I love you folks for the welcoming and comforting environment we have together create.
Sorry to hear about your illness, Jade, but glad you can keep doing some of the things you like to do. Just keep doing what you like, and obviously, helping others is part of that.

I got an outside propane burner several years ago - the Big Kahuna Burner - which is 65k btu/hr, which is over 3 times what my range burners are. I have a 20" wok, which is really too large for even the 20k burners, on my range. But I have found something really strange with that extremely high heat - the inner 6" or so have basically a NS surface - food is bouncing off of it, basically, since it is searing and coming off instantly, and giving that incredible flavor that the high heat gives - the wok hei. You just have to work quickly! Here's a previous thread I started on that, with a link to more photos of the burner.

Have fun with your new "toy"! I'm sure you'll like it.
Not an indulgence. If your going to be a good student of wok cookery then what your doing is a mandatory step in the hierarchy of wok cuisine. Good for you. Just the difference it makes in the lowly peasant dish of fried rice elevates it into a 3 star Michelin territory.
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